That it’s impossible to overstate just how much so. I have a lock and spriest at 80 in around the same gear (can post on priest if anyone’s needing proof).
And I just don’t understand. Compared to diabolist, it’s actually a clown show how bad the damage output is.
Entropic rift, on a 30 sec CD, does less damage than a ruination proc. And that’s not counting the 150k ticks the actual pitlord is beaming out. And I can cycle a greater demon every 8-10 seconds, and even cleave boys AoE critting for 1.5 mil a target,
Voidweaver feels entitled to 60+% buffs to come anywhere near. I don’t get it. It’s ridiculous how weak that tree feels.
This is sadly true. Nothing you cast feels like it does damage as a Voidweaver. Doubling it’s damage across the board would still not feel strong. A warrior will execute me from 20% and yet I need about 3 Shadow word deaths, 2 Devouring plagues and a shadowy insight proc to do the same. Something isn’t adding up with shadows damage.
I’m near the pre-season Week 1 ilvl cap 587ish. Especially in dungeons like Cinderbrew Meadery, Ara Kara, Stonevault where the tank can pull huge packs. I don’t see this changing with gear or M+. After Shadowcrashing, more mobs enter the fray, and I have to DOT them all? Otherwise there’s no Psychick Link Damage. The Entropic Rift has already exploded or just isn’t as strong as I thought it would be.
Unlike my Warlock as well. Affliction and Demo and especially Elesham have answers for these types of pulls with bigger numbers at like the 551 Heroic baseline ilvl. >_>
This has always been an annoying issue every time we did Brackenhide Hollow and the Lashers spawned doing near 0 damage to them. I though the Entropic Rift would be the answer in TWW, but doesn’t seem like it right now.
Again, advocating for Shadow Crash for +1 or +2 charges at this point… especially if Psychic Link is still a decent portion of our AOE damage as well as our Mastery.
Sad but true. So over all the big pulls on my SP it just makes me sad. Something has to change with our AOE or our mastery or both. Also hard casting our CDs on top of all that just sucks. Not looking forward to M+ at this rate.
If they removed psychic link and replaced phantasmal pathogen with a talent that causes spirits to explode when striking targets affected by Devouring Plague we would only need to generate apparitions on a single target to deal aoe damage. Besides psychic link, the other problem is the mastery which feels horrible to play with in both single target and aoe.
It’s just time for shadow crash (and to be honest, vile taint for aff) to have no cooldown.
Tune whatever you’d need to for this to happen and not completely dominate the meta. But from a gameplay perspective, living and dying by these sole abilities does and has always felt terrible.
DoT classes need a meaningful way to be able to consistently AoE like every other class, and not have it all tied to a single ability.
Yeah voidweaver is horribly undertuned. What’s weird also is you have this juxtaposed talent choices for each hero talent too.
For Archon, aka the “halo burst insanity:mf spec” you’re speccing into periodic damage and dots to buff MF:insanity
on the other hand you’re speccing into Instant damage, VT damage, and stacking mastery on the “dot spec”
haha they really didn’t think this through. but yes, also horribly undertuned
Have shadow crash cost insanity.
Why would anyone want this? It would feel awful to pull up to a pack at 0 insanity and have to single target spam to build up sanity so that you can use your one AoE ability. Spriest ramp up is already one of the longest in the game, and this would make it even more so.
You’d furthermore have to always be sure you hold enough insanity after each pack to be able to open with crash on the next, which would just feel awful because you’d be using far more fillers to do so just to ensure your next trash pull isn’t awful.
Would be extremely “feels bad” and just sounds archaic mechanically speaking.
It would feel bad if the insanity cost were too high. If it were the amount of insanity generated by a single mind blast, it would feel just fine.
I mean, at a cost of 6 insanity, what’s the point lol.
We might as well just go to free at that point.
Huh. Must be a scaling issue? Granted my Spriest is freshly 80 and barely in explorer/adventurer gear and still rocking some DF gear, and haven’t done much for dungeons, but rounding up mobs in the open world and popping void torrent seems to kill everything pretty damn fast. On par with my frost mage with double frozen orb/comet storm.
Open world content is not a good way to gauge a specs damage.
I agree with pretty much everyone in the priest forums about shadow crash. Waiting for the separate packs to be pulled and all coming in together, before dropping shadow crash is a drag. Mobs are already at 85% health before we can get started
So you’ve dropped your crash and start bursting and everything just melts, meanwhile here comes another trash mob, but your crash has 10 more seconds and you’re in the middle of your big cds.
So do you single target on one mob and finish your burst, or pause your burst to dot them all up to get psychic link benefits?
I’m not complaining just yet though. I’m sure once m+ gets started, tanks won’t be pulling as much
Personally i hate how the spec requires void torrent. Neat talent but feels clunky to use with the way the entropic rift works.
Would much prefer the spec change divine star to entropic rift instead. Feels like that would flow better. Plus i hate how short the rift duration is. I love the animation of it and void blast but they pass so quick i cant appreciate it lol
To be fair, ANY hero tree for any spec in the game that is tied to a talent in the main talent trees is bad design, and limits build expression (though for min maxing, that doesn’t exist).
Telling me “you must pick halo/void torrent” for this hero tree to even be active is just ugh.
This is exactly how I feel. I’m waiting to fully judge based on M+ tank pulls. At least in season start there is no way a tank is pulling 8+ mobs if they are hard.
My suggestion for fixing this would be uncapping shadow crashes dot limit(or giving it a 50% increase from 8/12) and reducing shadow crashes CD to 10 seconds. This give us the uptime we need while having less moments that feel bad.
You could also have devouring plague spread dots to nearby targets that don’t have dots on them while 3 nearby targets have dots. (Throwing out ideas with this one. Definitely not how id fix it)
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Consider DK superstrain taps a whole pack of mobs with 3 dots instantly then outbreak spreads it as a runic spender WHILE cleaving… (Nevermind that being in addition to DnD and Scourge/Clawing Shadow Cleave Synchronized with Festermight.) Sure you spend a rune to get it going, but that level synchronicity is something S.Priest could only dream about.
I think the lack of that synchronicity is S.Priest issue, gameplay wise. It feels like Blizzard just pads our Mind Devourer and Deathspeaker proc numbers to compensate for it and its just a band-aid on a fundamentally broken class.
It would be really simple and good for balance to swap target caps on Psychic Link and Shadow Crash.
Crash uncapped and PL reduced damage beyond 8 targets.
I don’t know why they torture the priest community so much.
The issue is mobs that spawn during combat or are added mid pull will always be really bad for priests and I don’t understand why.
Discipline priest already has a spread mechanic via penance…
If I could wish for something I’d want DP to spread the dots each time it ticks… like a plague…
And crash as a “high damage proc” after you summoned 20 apparitions or something.
Edit: VT needs to be instant aswell.
Not being able to dot stuff on the go is such a drag. Like tank pulls and while you position you throw out dots. Priest isn’t even very mobile. Standing still with tanks running a marathon during 1 cast is so feel bad. At least let me prepare the lousy dots while i position 
For disc voidweaver is great. I’m doing amazing dmg and healing when its up but I do see why it sucks for shadow