Voidwalker - Threat generation

Over countless years we have stated the following:
“Voidwalker Threat Sucks” “Voidwalker threat generation is lacking”.

Can we please have an dramatic increase in the threat generation of the voidwalker? Why does my player threat go from 0% to immediately 50%+ after only casting 1 spell even if I’ve let the darn voidwalker hit the enemy multiple times?

Can we just get the Felguard for all specs? At least that things Threat generation is done correctly. Maybe do a “Copy/Paste” of the Felguards threat generation onto the Voidwalker.

It gets really annoying when I want to have my Tank minion… Be a tank minion just to find out… Nope, it’s just a piece of crap purple blob that sometimes get threat but most of the times does not. So I end up being a punching bag while he snickers off in the corner.


In SL the VW had very good threat generation (I used it as backup in Torghast as mobs were inclined to ignore my new Felguard) yet, for some reason, that didn’t carry over into DF.

I think if they tied a small to mid-ranged threat-nova to the VW Pet Command ability, then that would solve most of the VWs problems.

It’s like they still think you have soul shatter and can lower your own threat with a spell.

They should just give the voidwalker a passive redirect ability, all threat generated by you is redirected as aggro to the voidwalker.

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Really looking forward to the start of expac where it holds no threat, gets one shot by everything if it does hold threat, and does next to no damage.

Most notorious time I can think of where this happened was release bfa. I leveled lock first and it was brutal


I think the biggest part is that for the amount of bonus threat generation it has, it does so little damage comparatively that it doesn’t hold threat well.

You’ll do a key and your primary pet will be 2-3% of your damage on a boss. I actually think giving the regular pets a 20-30% damage boost would be nice.


I made a character on the TWW beta, Attempted a level 4 Delve (Specifically Earthcrawl mines) and yeah, the Voidwalker cannot hold threat. Dies almost instantly, leaving me to fend for myself. I have to have Brann be a healer just to stand a mediocre chance. I’m at 596 iLvl (being reduced for whatever stupid reason to 558 within the delve)

Blizzard, can you seriously do something about the Voidwalker not being its intended TAnk minion? Why do we have this minion if it’s literally pointless to attempt to use it for its intended role? It doesn’t do crap for damage, so its not making up for that fact.
Please. Fix our Voidwalker.


To be fair, the VW isn’t supposed to do great DPS as it’s only meant to be a tank. Still, if it could generate threat that compensated for its lack of damage, that would help.


Since pet damage is normalized, it really isn’t put into that same box anymore. Matter of fact, if you didn’t kick at all, VW is the highest damage pet you could bring to a key because of it’s tiny AoE hit (consuming shadows).

Our pets are just very underwhelming right now.


I can’t recall what expansion it was but there was a time when voidwalkers had a kind of absorb/reflective damage resistance shield that when they would get attacked they would do a decent** amount of damage to the attacker.

The pet-AI was also smarter about taunting ANYTHING that was targeting/hitting the warlock so it made sure to keep the enemy attacking the void and procing the reflective shield attack.

That shield made a HUGE difference in threat for the void-walker while just solo/questing. If they brought something like that back it would be great. ( Hell i just wish the pet-AI was better at being reactive across the board for ALL expansions retail and classic)

Edit **

Found it , it was MoP talent to improve demons that gave the voidwalker/voidlord the skill. This is what the voidwalker could really use today for questing/soloing.

(copied from spell description)

  • Void Shield
  • Warlockpet ability
  • 60 Energy
  • 10 sec cooldown
  • Instant
  • Encases the Voidlord in shadow energy, reducing damage taken by 60% for 30 sec.

Each time the Voidlord is struck, a blast of Shadow damage is released, dealing X Shadow damaging and reducing the power of Void Shield by 20%.


I never seem to have an issue with the VW holding threat but I also don’t do top end content so my ilvl is mediocre at best. I’m guessing I don’t do enough damage to steal threat.


If you’re playing Aff then you probably won’t, if you’re playing Destro then you will likely steal aggro at some point during battle.

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Any time it happens, I throttle back a beat. I just finiched up my pathfinder with a destro belf a month or two ago. Was in the caverns laying the smack down and never had to worry about it.


The biggest trick to VW holding threat is for your opening to hit hard so that when it’s taunt kicks in it’s has a threat value vs trying to build one. As far as I’ve seen over the years is it’s supposed to leapfrog ahead of you as your damaging.

Vs the felguard who has a threat boost aura. It’s a large chunk of your damage and its threat aura keeps it ahead of you. But it has no taunt.

Biggest pain is seen when the pet dies, a fresh summon VW can reclaim the mob where the felguard will have a very very hard time trying to over take your threat.

The second key to the pet tanking is healing them when they need it, or as preventative. Soul burn health funnels help there.

Lock pets are different and require more micro management than hunter pets. Something that has annoyed me over the years

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all that micro managing and our pets still don’t know “fetch” to loot distant mobs like hunters can.

Apparently we forgot to add it to their contracts when we bound them.

Hunters pets often enjoy playing fetch,

Demons get very cranky and try to renegotiate their contracts

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Fetching is beneath them, still, it would be cool if we could summon a golden imp who follows after us and rushes out to loot anything we kill (like the ferrets in Diablo III(?)).