Anyone else feels this way? Especially considering Insanity flay does like the same dmg with half the cast. Kinda weird considering a whole hero talent is build around this.
vt and dp needs huge buff.
vt is equal to the hunt- chaos bolt- sectech- kingsbane etc etc. but its weak when you compare to them
Yeah it’s definitely undertuned, even with all the talents that buff its damage.
If they would change shadows mastery our spells could just hit hard all the time.
Having a mastery that adds 25% damage per dot is insane.
75% bonus damage for all 3 (assuming you’re at 25% mastery) So the base spell can’t be allowed to hit hard.
I really wish they’d change it to something else.
It also just feels bad using spells to build insanity because you know you’re doing 25% less damage because you don’t have the resources to cast plague. Or lord forbid you hit a target without dots up, you’re just doing 75% less damage.
This and there is also just wayyyy too many sources of damage in the shadow spec. Shadow just tickles things to the void.
Having VT fully specced into and a Hero talent that surrounds it and it hitting like a wet noodle is hilarious. Don’t even bring up our base dot damage, ill cry
The best is when you just landed a shadow crash on a mob, hit a couple mind blasts, finally get enough insanity for DP, then blast off your 2 point insidious ire void torrent, but you glanced at the wrong mob health bar and your target dies instantly, completely wasting your vt that just took 10 seconds to build the resources for
Meanwhile, that dk/ret is already halfway through their entire burst rotation, not missing a damn thing
Damage atm does feel a bit low, but shadow has historically been reliant to gear scaling so I guess we’ll see how it goes.
507 ilevel on my spriest. With the 40% damage while having all 3 dots talent, my VT’s crit for about 240-260k per tick. So yeah, super weak. Rising sun kicks on this toon crit for 320k (and can proc a second kick for about 210k), and that’s a 7 sec CD. So yeah, torrent feels like complete trash.
The problem with shadow priest honestly is psychic link. The nature of their AoE being strictly tied to their single target damage makes it almost un-balanceable.
You buff their ST too much so that it’s raid viable, and all of a sudden their AoE becomes unmatched.
This is, after legion, the main theme of shadow priest developing cycle. Every single patch, beta/alpha, ptr.
Its pure copium from players at this point.
My ele shaman is a similar ilevel to my shadow priest, and its a night and day difference. My shaman does 400k + dps overall in mythic + and my spriest barely beats tanks overall. Its just a bad design tuning them around hero talents atm. I think shadow will be fine, as long as they tune them again down the road.
Yeah ultimately making viability judgement calls during a prepatch is stupid, it’s never balanced.
And not even realistically early into an expansion. Blizz hasn’t really been shy with balance passes as of late.