Void goblins; The fungus among us


New movie idea. Now that the horde is going to soon be flooded by the inevitable upsurge of void goblins, they will be voiding warranties across Azeroth. But seriously though. I’d love to see this as a custom option for goblins.


Gnomest, what happened to being a Gnome Demon Hunter?

Also, love the full Pirate theme of your mog. You given me ideas for my Rogue now.

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This is the mog I wear when I am doing serious stuff like end game raiding since ya know. Can’t be wearing level 90 glaives in raids. Plus I also love this mog quite a bit. Its the one I used before the whole gnome illidari thing. This is not permanent though. I’ll be changing back to the old one in the future.

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I think it suits you very well. We need a Pirate Class, not an Outlaw Spec.

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A lot of cuteness factor in this one. Its nice to change up a bit every now and then, plus seeing as I am close to part 1 of my aquatic themed project being done, this one is fitting. Don’t worry though. Especially with Shadowlands custom options coming out soon I will be back to the old one.

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Only thing I can think off to something to suit my spec.


But still wanting to really find a decent mog that is unique to an Outlaw Rogue. That makes it look like a true outlaw.

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I’d say that works very nicely for an a void elf rogue especially.

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You know, that is the one thing wow is missing with their playable races. I really hope we get an aquatic race soon, or at the very least we get customization options for it like gilblin skins for goblins.

P.s. the void goblin looks great.

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Funny you should mention.



I gave those guys my own personal update. This is what gilgoblin skins might end up looking like. Though I still need to fix the eyes in the first one.