You be surprised if High Elves were added into Midnight but if not and we got sub race character customization options like Forest Trolls and High Elves then I don’t know what will be the next new race or class? But atleast Player housing is reveal at last.
I REALLY wanted more void-y customization options, and Entropic Embrace reworked to be a cosmetic toggle, with the old bonus baked into a new buff.
Meaningless. You can’t change your race just by declaring it so.
I wish the Void Elves were playable on the Horde side…
Maybe in midnight but we’ll see. I still think void and lightforged should have been a customization option for all races
True but I’m talking horrible monstrosity type stuff, not sporty ponytail tentacles you can turn off.
I can’t speak of other Void Elves, but tentacles erupt from the ground near me and in a pinch I erupt into a whole ball of them.
They should have been a Horde allied race. Would have been an excellent foil to the Alliance Lightforged Draenei. But nooooo, can’t have any trace of shadow magic near the Sunwell and Umbric and his crew were honestly just looking for a chance to bail on the Blood elves and rejoin the Alliance because they hate the Horde that much.
They will change this with Midnight, I’m sure of it.
I mean, a lot of the information I gained from in the Harbinger questline and the hatred the Void elves have for the Horde is still pretty raw. In fact their chief desire is to have the Blood elves abandon the Horde and rejoin the Alliance. Pretty much so they can round up all the Horde races and open up a void portal underneath them to deposit them in pure nothingness.
It’s just immature writing of a colorful bunch of employees, who can’t even get the red line straight. Don’t lose yourself in the writing of some overpaid low class writers and focus on the overall story, that every faction/race will somehow unite over time, to give the players more freedom and gameplay-options. That’s the key take away.
Maybe, but when I sit down and think about it, really really think about it. I kind of realize that Void elves are a race created by pure hatred. Both ingame and in real life. Now I love the aesthetic of them myself but I’m an edgelord who never outgrew that stupidity so my opinion is worthless. Anyway.
Void elves started out in game as a group of Blood elves who were exiled because of Silvermoon’s hatred of shadow magic and Umbric’s hatred of the Horde. Then the Nexus Prince captured them for the express purpose of remaking them into a weapon of hatred to turn against all life on Azeroth.
In the real life side of things, Void elves were created for the express purpose of giving the Alliance the “High Elf” model without giving them the High Elf model for whatever reason. Though you could argue, petty hatred. They knew better then the playerbase and the players just needed to shut up and play their game. Mind you this is mere baseless conjecture.
Anyway, these are some of my addled thoughts. Sorry for the nonsense.
Personally i really like it as it is now and wouldnt want to see it changed in to a cosmetic toggle.
The proc works perfectly for the character fantasy i have in a way that a toggle just couldnt.
So yeah, im hoping nothing changes there
Obviously there was some spite towards the request, this is undeniable. However, Blizzard had to learn again and again that the paying customer has the ultimate power. They serve us and not themselves. If enough people leave, they will not come back.
Sooner or later they have to honor the request, like with all things they have destroyed over time and brought back.
On this I’d be open for say another racial ability similar to Worgen’s “Calm the Wolf” or Dracthyr’s “Chosen Identity” Something that the individual can decide if they wish to use or not.
We have high elves on both factions. Stop this nonsense.
Some girls have all the luck~