That’s completely ridiculous, but ok. I think nightborne need a ton of work but I’m not going to bother getting pissy over the fact that they spent ten minutes adding a bunch of eye colors to another race. Everyone will get done at some point.
They look great on the females but does anyone else think they look a little wonky on the males?
Also, those weird dark marks in the Blood Elf females eye made me think I had something stuck to my monitor screen lol.
No they can’t be ‘doable’. By doing that, you are doing nothing other than taking a Horde Race and making it Alliance. Just like how you can’t make a Night Elf out of a Highbourne, you can’t make a (Blood) High Elf out of a Void Elf. Be satisfied with what Void Elves are, or go roll a Horde Blood Elf, or go play LOTR Online or something.
By the way, this is EXACTLY why you are hated.
The thing is , other ARs have their own flavor or they are an option within their own faction.
Velves as an alliance option is still VASTLY inferior to the Horde that uses the exact same model. And will always be as they will never have DHs and Paladins.
They are very unique because of that.
While this is true, it’s also because it was easy to copy paste them, you can’t do that with literally any other race.
Nightborne need lots of stuff for sure but also nightborne can’t just get a nelf copy paste.
No they didn’t even with their added options they still have far less than many races.
I won’t have a problem either but in the end the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Say nothing, they will continue to add orc options and just give the other races one extra hairstyle. I mean that’s how they did this customization pass.
Blood elves will still be their own thing. Giving some normal hair colours to void elves and their own hairstyle won’t change a thing. Blood elves will still be objectively better by having pala and DH alone.
No, no they did not. Mag’har Orcs lead the pack at most customization. Mechagnomes, Zandalari, Kul Tirans, etc. are also above Void Elves.
Try again.
Nightborne’s uses the exact same rig as Night elves but rushed out the door with poor functionality.
Yet they are still statistically the most picked allied race
True, but literally they just need to rig their facial animations to squint and they cannot even do that. Nor add in hair physics
With what? All of the base races got a ton of new options, not just orcs. The only ones that got really left behind were pandaren. They specifically said they’re doing the allied races last, all they did was copy some of the BE options over to the VE since they’re identical anyway and it probably took two seconds.
They look arcane to me, but it works for shadow priests too. I can’t wait to use the new eye color, my favorite until now.
Would go good with my look - but I don’t know that it’s a game changer. I might even prefer these soul-less, dead eyes more.
Yeah, the very base rig but you can’t share stuff between them due the changes we got. I mean nelfs did get two nightborne-like hairstyles and they look hilariously bad on them.
Because is the only good alliance AR.
I agree we need help but I think velves didn’t get that much because it was copy paste while nightborne stuff would need unique work.
That is just not true, here’s a chart with numbers
Orcs got VASTLY more customization as did fem night elves. Have you seen worgen? they got eye colours and some fur and that’s it.
And for void elves. I agree? I’m defending velfs from other people here. My argument with you is that people have the right to complain.
You do look pretty soulless.
Why, thank you.
Yeah I don’t really see void with them. The new style just looks like a very faint lavender tint for Arcane.
I’m not asking for that, I’m asking for Blizzard to give a slight care about Nightborne.
You did not mention Dark iron dwarf also being a good allied race so i disagree and i don’t want to hear it
Fair point but still even for a copy paste THIS IS MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE GOT IN TERMS OF ALLIED RACES
It’s great that VE can look just like BE. It’s the way it should have been from the start.
I see them very voidy because they look like the velfs hair, or rather their tentacles.
I hope we get some care too definitely. I want more stuff for nightborne than velves or even belves.
True true, they are also good.
True true definitely. I’m just saying they can’t copy paste things for other ARs so that’s why.
I don’t think they should look like Blood elves, but I’m okay with them looking like high elves.
Ooh, this looks pretty cool. Paired with hair, a nice way to add a voidy accent without falling into a vat of grape juice.
Holy cow, mag’har have it good. Here’s to hoping that dark irons inherit some of the new customizations from the bronzebeard model since the two are so similar (should make copying them over relatively simple). Nightborne need a lot of love too but the work required is considerably higher given the higher level of divergence from the base model (nelves).
that’s a fair point
Aren’t BE and HE the same thing?
(Commentary): Congratulations to both Void Elves and Blood Elves on their new eye color! Nice to see both races getting things.