Void elves should NEVER receive more hair colors.
Yes, blood elves should have all the options, if you want Thalassian you must go horde. Not like there’s a faction imbalance or anything, who cares right?
Every void elf player needs to accept… they are NEVER getting more hair colors.
It’s not Sunday.
It’ll never be Sunday for void elves! They are NEVER getting more hair colors.
Has there been any news that Void elves would be getting more?
Ren’dorei are Thalassian.
No. The last statement by Blizzard was “no new customizations in Shadowlands.”
Void elves should get an option for glowy armpit hair and armpit hair length. Oh and druids too. You know they don’t shave the pits.
Void elves should be THANKFUL for the seven (7) hair colors they’re ALLOWED to have.
There’s already a thread for this… Why make another one?
And a troll one at that.
Attention and the opportunity to strike a wasp’s nest without stinging retort.
This is a different topic.
It isn’t fair that a lot of the transmog options that would look good on one of my blood elf characters just don’t really work on my void elves because void elves apparently are only allowed to have blue or purple hair
Yes. This.
OP has been necroing threads from 2019 and now blatantly trying to just shtpost.
bliz pls …
Nobody works there anymore.
Oh, this is going to age well, I can feel it.
Like fine milk.
Don’t attribute this to something as useful as fine milk.