Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

I think the HE community can only be “unhappy” if they choose to concentrate on what they didn’t get instead of what they did, visual distinction was still lost for BE fans who take issue with it and it’s a heck of a lot more than HE fans have ever had the model and RP tools almost getting them everything they want. To be that unhappy over the visual distinction Blizzard left in place I have to just side eye tbh


Blood elves have enough and will get nothing more, until void elves get blonde hair OR AT LEAST SOMETHING to go with the “normal” skin tones they were given.

It feels half done

Like literally the developers working on void elf hair were fired or quit halfway through the job.


. . . So this is how it feels to be backed into a corner.

My intent was not to attack, and if it came off that way I apologize, however I do not intend to back down on my hopes for customization. There IS a way for almost everyone to be happy here, I just don’t have that answer right now.

Edit: as an aside, part of my stake in this is to play an alliance thalassian elf that looks somewhat like me (what with blonde hair and blue eyes) and I don’t see that as wrong


I wonder whos alt this is?
Fresh account coming out of left field to randomly harass myself and another individual in multiple random threads bringing up age old posts.

Uhm this is my only account. This you?

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Real lore expert vs Fake lore expert.


It seems pertinent to mention imo if you get the lore wrong on so many occasions that poster is just posing a question.

There’s nothing wrong in being here to be educated on the lore though I applaud you for wanting to learn more of it. :hugs:

You’re in company of many BE fans who actually know the lore on BEs and HEs specifically so this is a good thread to hang out in for that for sure


What, don’t like people posting on alts?


I think there is some truth to that.

We can get very close to near identical right now… for most helf fans I think its good enough, despite those same fans still being happy if natural hair were to be given, many will just go on with what they have now.

There are others though who want it all despite that, though I imagine most of them still see what we got as a win for sure.

I just mean that its a spectrum more than just one side and the other side.

Some folk want this this and this. Some just want this.

I do wish more would be understanding about how blood elf players feel losing (or not getting much either way) their unique qualities. They’re no longer the only Thalassian.

I can understand the feeling. I love my belfs very much and it does feel, to me, like we’ve lost something. We certainly haven’t gained.

You wandered into it yourself I think…

I know some people here come on strong and its easy to think everyone on the other side is out to get you, but really they’re not.

I dont think anyone here should back down from what they want to see.

Be it more helf options, or retaining the belf visual distinction (what little is left) or a desire for Velfs to lean deep into the void.

Just try not to assume everyone hates you because they’re on the other side.

Why are you here?

This is against the coc…

Your post history is purely attacking Lore.

Look I don’t agree with the guy often myself but be better than this trolling.

No hes not.

Hes harassing him.

Look at his post history.


That post is literally from 8 months ago, when essentially most people in the lore community felt that was the proper speculation. It’s also incredibly creepy that you’re digging through that old stuff to harass me and another, while now also spamming. :man_facepalming:
You do you though I guess?

It’s just trolling at this point, which doesn’t help your case(s).

Thank you… He’s also attacking someone else but that individual doesn’t go on these threads.


I’m a bit skeptical with how much Lore posts on alts I wouldn’t be surprised if he made an alt account just to look like he was being attacked. But if it is actually a guy that isn’t him, don’t stoop to his level and harass him lol.


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It’s hard to tell sometimes . . . Seems like a lot of times I get involved in these discussions I get called selfish, crazy, delusional, or something else it really starts to blend together . . . Still I try to be optimistic as being negative gets you nowhere.


Yet you liked all these cryptic attacks on myself and others?

For the record you do support stuff like this?

I’d lend a voice in support of you but I think I’ll sit this one out considering

I do hope the convo can be civil always though :hugs:


My hope is that Blizzard returns to working on more customizations in the near future and by the end of it, ideally Blood Elves will have 4 distinct visual themes to work off of, natural, fel, undead and light/sunwell based while Void Elves have both their Void and natural themes fully realized.

This would leave Blood Elves with double the potential that Void Elves would have. I also highly doubt that Blizzard would add more to Void Elves without revisiting Blood Elves nor should they.

I too just want the best for everyone and again hope they’ll get back to working on customizations soon.


No. Because Void Elves are Blood Elves, but Blood Elves are not Void Elves.

Next Question.

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This I could see working and could help flesh things out for thalassians as a whole. I’d go for it without question.


I love the Void Black hair option you’re using :hugs: The voidified version of colors just look so good on Void Elves.

I don’t know about proper… but it certainly was common.

Unless he spent money on a separate account unlinked to his main one… he’d just get hit by the flags he’d obviously get.

That don’t make no sense.

And I make it a habit to find his alts… (for legal reasons I have to say what I think are his alts)

Many here have been fighting, arguing and at times losing their tempers in these threads.

Many might start hostile but I find most of the regular posters here are genuine in their actions.

I know its hard sometimes but be patient, respectful (even if you think someone else isn’t being to you) and make sure to note specifically when its your opinion.

It helps a lot.


why wasnt blue eyes for blood elves enough? its literally everything you guys ask for and its still rejected. this doesnt even make sense anymore
