Void elves are dark elves

That’s by your biased opinion based on you maining Horde / Belfs, lol.

They really are though, and you have a good point.

Main Horde! It’s way more fun! :wink:

Lul, dude, or “Mister Qualified Random Forum Poster” I should say, Void Elves were given because they thought that giving Alliance the Blood Elf aesthetic would fix the population imbalance. Of course, it doesn’t matter for you since OCE is Alliance dominant anyhow, but news flash, their plan didn’t work.

Fighting over which of you get’s to be Dark Elves?
This thread pleases Slaanesh :smiling_imp:

Tbh I actually despise Blood Elves, the race has created so much controversy in this game… This is my main character, started the game as a Night Elf which happens to be my favorite race. :slight_smile:

Okay, do you believe blood elves fight exclusively with a ranged weapon with an animal companion?

You’re psychic now too huh?

No, champ.

LMAO What, no, not psychic, it’s just really that obvious.

Drow worship a spider goddess, their entire society is built on her worship, and the spider goddess is absolutely insane.

Void elves are not slaves to any mad deity I don’t see the similarities.

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Aww I love Blood elves and their High elf history. To me, BEs and VEs are both High elves so I love them both. But when choosing which to play it will mainly be Alliance VE because I Love the Alliance!! Whooo! Alliance love! :smiley: And in defence of myself I was 90% loyal to the Alliance. I denied playing Horde just to play the pretty Belfs. Yes it was a bit sad cause I loved them, but. Nothing can beat the beauty of the forests of Elwynn, the magic of Ashenvale or the calming music and scenery of Bloodmyst Isle. I’m an Alliance sucker forever. Almost like rooting for a Football team :smiley:

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So your imagination/perception, and not an actual stated fact from the horse’s mouth.

Don’t try to frame it any other way than that.

Why don’t we just make them a bunch of BDSM leather clad sadomasochists who power their spells with the suffering of those they enslave? No one’s ever done Dark Elves like that before :smile:

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Hahaha, I completely know what you mean… I started the game as Alliance, as I’m sure many other players did, so I will always play Alliance but I don’t think I could ever main Alliance again given the current faction imbalance. On the realm I’m on (US-Hyjal), sometime during Cata/MoP there was a mass shift between the factions and Hyjal went from being an Alliance dominant realm to being a Horde dominated realm… So I just went ahead and made the switch myself, and tbh it was one of the best decisions in this game because it opened up a lot more opportunities to play the game that Alliance just didn’t have the numbers for. For example my Alliance guild couldn’t recruit 10 more players on Hyjal to make the switch to Mythic, so they just ended up swapping to the Proudmoore realm to keep raiding. I decided to stay on Hyjal’s Horde side and still play it to this day! xD

But I definitely do have a love for Alliance still, too. Imho by this point, if a player isn’t at least playing both factions just to try them out, then you’re only gimping yourself… Both sides have different things to offer that you couldn’t experience otherwise just playing only one faction!

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No, you’re right, it’s just my opinion, however I don’t see anything stating otherwise, so same could be said to you. People have different opinions, just some people are quicker to fight others over their’s than others.

You could say so but the burden of proof is on you as you are the one that made the claim.

If I say blood elves in general were a mistake then I have to prove that somehow.

The Forgotten Realms has a lot of elves.

But let’s remember what the inspiration was behind Warcraft, while DnD plays a part in it. The game was originally going to be a Warhammer game.

Well I don’t think there’s information available on either topic so I guess we’re both just going in circles.

What part of sect did you not catch?

But they are also High Elves and Wood Elves through too.

Fun Fact: It has Shadow Elves tied to the Shadowfell(Plane of Shadow AKA the D&D Counterpart to the Void & Shadowlands) that aren’t Drow/Dark Elves(who either live in Caves, an Ice City or Forests) who lack any connection to the Shadowfell.


Void Elves are Shadow Elves! Specifically the Shadow Elves of the Forgotten Realms and not the Shadow Elves of Mystara which are simply White-Skinned Drow.

Night Elves are drow elves…