The skin color the devs themselves said was to represent high elves, not void elves.
Not really. See above.
If no one cares, why is ppl still mad about it? Being dismissive does not solve problems.
The skin color the devs themselves said was to represent high elves, not void elves.
Not really. See above.
If no one cares, why is ppl still mad about it? Being dismissive does not solve problems.
I dont recall that ever being said when the skin options became available in SL.
It was more like: when we added customizations it just felt natural to give those to void elves as well.
But if you have any interview or statement towards that I will be eager to see.
dont bother queen, these lowborn cant comprehend the what its like to be one of the beloved ren’dorei
but your not purple! Lol your hair is. That’s all. Still I adore the void elves tho.
I think you’d be like a tan red haired blood elf before you became Rendorei
=( i can shift into my void form whenever i want…
People push for the removal of that racial effect all the time on here. Which makes it hard for me to believe most even want to be Velves.
those are phonies, their goddess condemns them! i enjoy when I enter my boid form
but as a true goddess i can swap between both
Doesn’t make me wrong though. You’re over here advocating for void elves while looking like a high elf.
And when asked if you’d change that, you double down.
At least I have no problem looking like the people I’m trying to represent.
Voidwalkers are the original “blueberry”, but I’ve taken a liking to calling Void Elves, Blueberries lol.
i can shift between void form and regular form because i am the pinnacle of shadow priestess, what is your point
no ur not, ur a traitor and you aint even full purple. proof you miss being a blood elf. the kings, the gods.
You can’t be a traitor if the group kicked you out.
Nay I hate Void Elves cause Blizzard clicked on the Blood Elves, pressed Copy, then went to alliance and pushed Paste, then gave the lesser faction which is the Alliance, Horde’s most popular race and gave the void elves better racials, and all the cosmetics of Blood elves except hair styles and the green / yellow eyes.
It was a stab in the back, a spit to the face, a middle finger up the rear, it was the most disrespectful and hurtful thing that Blizzard has done that can never be forgiven. And for Midnight they are going to probably give half of silvermoon the Void Elves, Why do you keep stealing from us!!!
It’s why they mostly pretend to be us and even then they fail because the super ugly hair is unattractive and ruins it.
At least that can be somewhat shut off with macro but they still have the bad hair so they can’t even pretend like pretend right because sure they can use our eyes, hair color, and skintones but they still have the awful looking greasy hair.
do we need to talk about how ur wings and halo dont match ur mog and the hair color clashes hard
these sunwell junkies…
Do we need to talk about how you use the most generic Void Elf hairstyle like most other female Void Elves because you don’t have a better one, not to mention a Blood Elf skintone that doesn’t match the hair color with the Void Elf heritage that is literally one of the worst due to the wings not even being a back item, I could go on but I’m sure you are aware like most Void Elf players you don’t really win anything, Blizzard won’t even give you guys new customizations like new customizations just hand me downs from us.
They seem to be ashamed of their natural skin tone since many change it to look like regular elves.
I think u just got a vendetta lol its ok sweetie
those arent elise
and those wings rlly dont match
Void elves deserve to be fabulous too, but aren’t due to terrible color options. More blue hair and skin tints to match Entropic Embrace, please.