Void Elves are cool

Fair skin for Void Elf was a mistake.
Blood Elves are the true High Elves.

I say this as former (true) Void Elf forum main. I gave up on her because I was disgusted by ‘my kin’.

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Yes, Alleria was a different case.

Umbric and his followers are another case, and it is heavily implied they figured out a way to turn other elves into void elves, as the new npcs of telogrus weren’t there before and seem to have joined after the faction has been stablished, so they figured out a way to create more void elves.

Also, the telogrus npcs with fair skin have void elf voicefiles, is not a different tone, they’re literally void elves.

The writing is clear here, void elves are void elves, no matter the look, this isnt a bone to helf rpers, it might have been at first, but there is actual development showing different kinds of void elves.


This is a riftwarden with white skin.
I doubt hes a new recruit untouched by the void to get that rank.

Here is another one with white skin and tentacles in her hair. If shes got tentacles, shes 100% been touched by the void


The only true constant for void elves is the receding hairline.


After the update its canon that all of our customizations are valid for Void Elves. Not high elves with void elves. Just Void Elves.

Blizzard did everything but literally spell it out.


There are voidless elves in the rift, whether or not these are just Blood elves interested in the Void, or potential Void elf recruits is a bit nebulous. I would say that any elf with a Blood elf hairstyle, and normal Blood elf lines is probably still aligned with the Blood elves, especially the ones aptly named “Silvermoon scholar” as that implies they still identify with Silvermoon as their home, whereas Void elves do not.

There are plenty of natural-skinned and natural hair-colored Void elves in the rift, but it seems like for the most part Void elves will use their hairstyles and voice lines as a differentiating factor.

The fact you all still use the Heritage armor is a reason for why you’re not hott. You were given one cool thing, and that’s been it forever. :stuck_out_tongue:

“I’m just jealous.”

cough cough

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