Void Elves - A Second Chance

Pretty much.

It was all part of the great faction war over who got the illustrious playable High Elves.

Turns out neither faction got them, and now they have to settle for bootleg versions of them.


Please don’t steer this thread into another high elf debate. It’s tired, and this is about void elves.


I hope in the Next Expansion the Void Elves can finally have some screentime. Actually Screentime away from the Human Attention. Like I wanna see them have a actually zone, homeland, and etc for them like a Faction, Void Hawkstriders, and of course even familiar and New Characters within the Race itself.

Middle Bits of BFA just left them behind and didn’t really do them justice in general.


Yeah why isn’t alleria teaching the black Dragonflight how to deal with the whispers. They don’t succumb to them but even their new aspects is still tortured by them when he hears them.

She doesn’t simply hear whispers from random void stuff either. She made it clear after nzoth was dealt with his voice was replaced by others. Much louder and persistent voices. So obviously the ones in charge are talking to her now and she’s still fine.


I’d like to see a Void Elf/Broken relationship developed.

1: A cheeky nod to the void elves kind of stealing the Krokul of Argus’s seat at the table.
2: Void-monster parallel to the cozy Draenei/Blood Elf friendship.
3: Give the Broken a little bit of lore and screen time, while lending some character to both races. I’d also like to see the void explored as a means of rescuing the krokul from Argus after the narrative abandoned them there at the close of Legion.


Support. Like at least give them their own city with buildings they can sleep in…


I feel like their starting hub is good real-estate for that.

It’s definitely one of the coolest places in the game imo.


It is. They have plenty of space on the three islands that are reachable within Telogrus Rift, but there are also two-three more that could be used floating around the area.

I’d love to see them chain the Void Storm roiling around on the third one and use that as a focus to make new void elves. Then see them use the other islands to store their people and expand their understanding of the void.

One island set to hold their military forces and train them, another for the priests and living areas so they can keep their minds fortified against the whispers if need be. Another for the magisters and researchers to continue to expand their craft and understanding. Perhaps an island run by their umbral rangers and holding several starcursed versions of many hunter pets that we can tame…

So much potential there.


Now you peeked my interest even more. Some of those gold scales are really cute

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You’ve put a lot of effort into your considerations, but considering how the lore has been treated for some years now… I mean, just look at the recent Gilneas stuff… :sweat_smile: I would do myself the favor and not invest any more big hopes into it. I reckon there isn’t much more to expect.