Void Elves - A Second Chance

I ain’t readin all that, but I’m impressed by your dedication for more void elf lore stuff

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I’ll… try?

Void Elves should have three orders that come from Blood Elves, but become their own thing.

Magistry → Loreweavers. Magistry is about magic, Loreweavers are about knowledge. Magistry has it’s Sunwell for power, Loreweavers have their Akashic Well for knowledge.

Rangers → Duskstriders. Rangers are all about bows and arrows and scouting through their woods, Duskstriders are all about dual-wielded swords and teleporting around the rift, defying gravity.

Blood Knights → Vandalari. Blood Knights use the Light to protect their people. Vandalari use the Void to protect their people, using pocket dimensions to store dangerous items/beings, and reflecting spells at enemies.

Actually I think I’ll just stop there cause… I don’t there there is a TL;DR that would be short enough to meet the criteria of a TL;DR.

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Impressive. Well thought out.

I am one of those “I wish the Alliance got High Elves” (and for the love of the old gods give the horde ogres already… dang they’ve been a playable horde race since the 1990s). I wouldve probably race changed this charatcer to a void elf if having a VE Pally even makes sense?

Still. Many good points. I like the twists on the Sin’dorei heritage/history to make VE unique. The way you downplay their extra abilities outside the void also fits in well with actual gameplay (since we all know blizzard isnt going to give them mutliple powerful racial abilities)

I hope the Devs ready this and say… thats a good idea. Lets bookmark it for later.


I personally have been wanting more void elf back ground, lore, and even specs specific to the void and it’s is. Being a shadow priest so far is the closest we’ve gotten to any void use as a spec and it doesn’t do the race justice after having lived in the realm of the void for so long.

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Void expansion is probably next, maybe they’ll finally do something with them. Wouldn’t hold my breath for it since they were just generic cannon fodder in their debut expansion and didn’t show up for either old god raid, but anything’s possible.


Okay wow, how long did this take?

Why is it always players of the Elf variety that feel the need to complain about every little thing regarding their race.


Personally, I feel Void Elves will likely get a lot of new lore building upon them further when we get a primarily void focused expansion. When it comes to these things, I feel Blizzard like to do it all in one go (a themed expansion/patch per say) such as with the gnomes getting a huge chunk of lore in Mechagon. The Pandaren in Pandaria etc.

So I feel when we get to a point in the story the void is the main focus, we can expect the void elves, Alleria, and Locus Walker being at the forefront. Here they’ll substantially build upon the void elves within the new zones, the narrative context, and perhaps let them shine for quite some time.

Why do other elf players always feel the need to complain about those elf players complaining about every little thing regarding their race?


Why do elf players feel the need to complain about the elf players complaining about elf players that complain about every little thing regarding their race?


I made a few deals with some bronze dragons to complete it in one lifetime. Just don’t ask what they wanted in return. Some things are better left unspoken.

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Why are you calling out other people for something that you yourself are doing? lol


Why not? lol

I’ll focus on this part of your comment.

It’s unfortunately the age old trope, since LoTR and otherwise. Elves in fantasy were always portrayed as being a type of “perfect” version of a human. A higher state. Immortal age and beauty, mysterious, graceful, effortless.

So why not give such a “prize” to their heroic human male characters? They earned it! (Sarcasm).

It also doesn’t help that the writers and quest developers growing up were part of the crowd that fetishised the idea of female elves.

So you have:

Alleria to Turalyon.
Vereesa to Rhonin (which was just Richard Knaak wanting his fantasy representation to have a Windrunner elf waifu)
Sylvanas to Nathanos (villain fantasy)

Heck we even got the new bloodelf from the Reliquary infatuated with Khadgar.


Hey now, it’s not my fault your women can’t resist my heroic masculine charm.

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Whoa, what a good read this thread was! I liked a lot of it – the factions that were birthed from high elven and blood elven factions, the utilization of wonky temporal mechanics to explain these developments… all that. The sort of fluff you suggest brings to mind science fiction-fantasy stories from magazines, which I always like. I especially like the inclusion of psionics, and its utility and limitations in your text.
And the “SPEND ACHIEVEMENT POINTS HERE” thing sold me even after I was already sold on your ideas.

YEARP. I’m not too familiar with DragonLance, but I do know that there was like… what, a human and a half-elf, or a human and an elf? And a lot of things in WarCraft were inspired by DL lore, so there’s also thaaat~ I wouldn’t dare to mention or call this out to DL fans, though, they’d probably beat me with socks full of soap…

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I want to believe this so much, but in the expansion directly following their debut we went to the waking city without a single peep. I don’t mind that Wrathion was a focus, but, c’mon…

At least one of his rogue is a Ren’dorei with a name.

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I ain’t reading all that but your culture, history and whatever else you complained about is the exact same as Blood Elves ok you don’t need nothing.

Feels? They literally were.

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I know, hence why I was agreeing with the OP in that Void Elves probably need more story development to cement their place as a race.