Void Elf w/ High Elf Skin Compromise Mockup

To be honest this take is more about adding another subgroup to a race through customization like it is happening for Wildhammer and Forest and Sand trolls etc; I have my own ideas of how to make Void Elves more void looking -add more tentacles, lemme go full Kerrigan hair wise!- but that’s overall another issue. This was just about specifically how customization can represent another group within the same race.


How does giving VE HE skin tones affect gameplay? Making BE neutral would indeed affect gameplay given their racials, but human skinned VE’s literally do not affect gameplay because they’d use VE racials. This is inaccurate.

At most this is an issue of factional identity; the main point of this approach is how it doesn’t affect gameplay.

The compromise here is, quite literally, about at least looking like a High Elf, even when for all gameplay purposes you are still a Void Elf. You might not like it as a compromise, but it is one.

Void Elves that don’t look like high elves, nor have the specific lore background of high elves, are not a compromise. Now, if Void Elves had been made out of alliance high elves, now THAT would have been a compromise.

And that’s the point of a compromise, not everyone will be happy. There’s a lot of pro HE people that don’t like this idea either. Cause believe, getting to at least look like a HE is not “all that we want.”


LOOKING LIKE A BLOOD ELF is basically 100% of all opposition.

You are saying “my compromise is to do the exact thing you don’t like”

You aren’t compromising.

You are giving yourself something you want (blood elf model with light skin tones) and completely dismissing any oppoisition.

You are ensuring you will be 1000000x more happier.

Its not a fair compromise.

What are you sacrificing? “Oh, my character says “void elf” when you hover over its name plate, and it conflicts with the TRP back story I created”?

You might as well just ask for high elves straight up. Its the same degree of compromise.


(Observation): The issue is that Void Elves are far too foreign from High Elves for High Elves to be represented among them through customization. Much and more would need to change, such as racials and their aesthetics, NPC dialogue aimed at Void Elves, class options, etc… It might’ve been possible to add Void Elf customization to a High Elf Allied Race, albeit with far less flavor elements, but the other way around doesn’t work. Too much is missing from the experience.

Person A : I would like the blood elf model on the Alliance, with blood elf skin tones, but called high elves.

Person B : I am against the blood elf model and skin tone being copy/pasted over to the opposing faction

Person A : Ok, but what if I compromise and take the void elf and give it blood elf skin tones?

Person B: So your compromise is to take the blood elf model and give it high elf skin tones?

Person A: Yes, this is a fair compromise. We both don’t get what we want.


See, that’s the problem when people conflate the aesthetic as the whole of the request. It makes you completely unaware of all the reasons why so many Pro High Elf people are against this idea. If all you care about is the aesthetic of course all will be the same to you. Don’t know what more to tell you.

With this you don’t get exclusive HE assets.

You don’t get a exclusive HE story as they just join the VE’s.

You don’t get anything that would get HE’s unique as they are just a paintover of something already existing.

No paladins, shaman or druids, nothing VE’s can’t be and HE’s could as an AR of their own.

The fact you don’t see any difference between the two scenarios and see them as being the same is just kina biased. You do not see the nuance because anything past your hard line is a “loss” for you.


High Elves wouldn’t be shaman or druids anyways.

The fact you dismiss everyone that disagrees with you as part of your “compromise” is also a pretty large bias.


(Correction): "I would like to play High Elves on the Alliance, a race which has been consistently portrayed in our stories and on our side in varying expansions, typically through the Silver Covenant. It’d be great if they could be made to look different through conventional options such as hair styles and darker skin tones, while being mechanically different by latching onto that lore of melding into other Alliance cultures, and thus gaining Shamans and Druids.

(Correction): Blood Elves are High Elves! There are no Alliance Blood Elves, stop asking for this, it doesn’t exist, it’s never existed, Ion said so!

(Correction): “So what if we can at least look like our High Elves with a small selection of customization options?”

(Correction): “So your compromise is to take the Blood Elf model and give it Blood Elf skin tones?”

(Correction): Yeah, I’m still not getting my High Elf, no Paladins, no Druids or Shamans, and are stuck getting yelled at every time I walk into the Cathedral of Light.

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That’s the thing, you wouldn’t be getting all the High Elves -such as the highvale, elves very into the holy light- this would only represent the High Elves that are interested in the void, like the ones we already see in Telogrus.

As you can see, it’s already very limiting, but gives players more options and something closer to creating their own HE fantasy.

Of course, understand this is from the perspective of “I’d rather have this than nothing.” I already use a VE model for my High Elf as you can see, it would just be “better” if he could look closer as I see him, no?

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Your corrections are almost based in reality.

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Well…judging by how Void Elves, Lightforged and Highmountain were implemented, that’s grounds for a new race right there.

Seeing as how this is a “compromise”, what are the people that don’t want this getting out of the deal?

What are the people that are against the blood elf model and skin tones swapping sides getting?


An end to the flood of these threads?


Stop trying to water down the void elves to get high elves. Let them be their own thing.


A potential end to Blood Elves being over 30% of your faction’s played race selection?

If voidelves could be paladins I would be ok with it




this thread is proof it was never about the lore. let it speak for itself imo

oh, and void elves have evolved from blood elves(high elves). OPs post makes no sense


Generally I agree. While I feel there are certainly some people that care very much about the lore I am always intrigued by how often the lore is the very first thing offered as a sacrifice for implementation.


I’m sorry, but in the alliance, we can only have purple blood eleves.
If they’re not purple, they’ll be just like the horde’s blood elves and Blizzard doesn’t want us to have anything like the horde.

If purple blood elves were given a High Elf skin, that would be giving them an NPC skin from the alliance.

This would make the creation of purple blood elves in vain.

So we won’t see that.
If someone wants to play a blood elf, the Horde is waiting for them.
If someone wants to play a purple blood elf, the alliance is waiting for them.

Remember! Compromise!