It seems pretty good, 5% straight up increased damage and healing for a period of time, anyone know how often it procs as they adjusted the proc rate and how it compares to the orc blood fury racial in terms of damage boost?
The damage is alright. The teleport is a huge game changer though, especially as a caster.
IDk I like it and I don’t. It’s somehwat useful every game and it’s nice for getting out of a root beam or kiting/juking but I’m not sure it’s as good as UD TBH.
I think it’s solid as a caster. Damage is w/e and pretty conparable to others. The spatual rift is very useful too, but imo the best thing is the no spell pushback.
I swapped all my locks void elf this season after the buffs. The no pushback makes juking much easier and the spacial rift port is a game changer. It has saved my wall so many games and offensively using it into a howl of terror is huge. The damage proc isn’t anything game changing.
It procs often enough you’ll notice but not every time. Spatial rift can be fun but it has some important limitations you need to be aware of. It won’t work up any significant slope and certainly not stairs and if you are underwater it tracks the SURFACE not your current level. If anyone has more recent observations PLEASE feel free to contradict me on these.
For me, VE is a must on my disc priest in BGs especially. The amount of bait and switch on zug zugs, dropping off something and porting back is to fun to pass up.
Anyone know how the damage boost compares to blood fury? (4925 AP I believe?)
The damage is a feel good buff, but the port for quite a few immobile classes can be pretty game changing.
It wouldn’t be comparable to orc racial for damage however.