Void elf paladins(any class/race combos) are possible

Ion talks about it in the french interview. So yeah, void elf paladins might be a thing someday.(and that they are not closing the door on the possibility of any class/race combo)

Ion Hazzikostas : "Je pense qu’il existe des éléments, outre leur couleur de cheveux, qui feraient des Elfes du Vide des Paladins peu appréciés par leur ordre. Cependant, les associations race/classe sont un sujet à propos duquel l’équipe de développement discute activement. Nous recueillons de nombreux avis, de nombreuses demandes, et tandis que certaines combinaisons pourraient sembler plus complexes que d’autres, nous pensons que tout demeure possible. Nous ne voulons donc pas fermer les portes d’une certaine classe à une race donnée. Nous n’avons rien à annoncer spécifiquement pour Eternity’s End, mais c’est quelque chose dont nous discutons énormément. "


Especially not if the race is gnome because every class would be so cute as a gnome! Especially gnome druids :heart_eyes:


I guess it’s only a matter of time no matter how silly it might seem…


For those who want a loose translation from French to English.

“I think there are things besides their hair color that would make Void Elves unappreciated Paladins by their order. However, race / class associations are a topic that the development team is actively discussing. We collect many opinions, many requests, and while some combinations might seem more complex than others, we believe anything is possible. So we don’t want to close the doors of a certain class to a certain race. We don’t have anything to announce specifically for Eternity’s End, but it’s something we discuss a lot.”

Long story short, they’ve said anything is possible. But that doesn’t mean we’re going to see all class/race combos, as there are some class/race combinations which break the lore of the game. Draenei and Night Elf Warlocks to start with, followed by class/race combos like Goblin/Gnome Druids, Tauren Rogues/Mages and Mag’har Orc Paladins/Warlocks.


Of course it’s possible. The people “closing the door” on things have always been on the wrong side of the argument this whole time since the game started. That’s been known just a question when they finally know it.

Almost anything is possible in World of Warcraft. Will most of it actually happen and be implemented into the game, probably not but it is indeed possible and there’s no reason not to keep an open door on everything. Past worn out of the “can’t, can’t, cant, lore, lore, lore” closed door mentality.


If they wanted to, they could let any race be any class, without even bothering to retcon the lore. Just ignore it, is all they have to do.


Prolly no chance considering they’re still up their own @ss about Tauren rogues. Despite some of the most (in)famous Tauren characters being pirates…

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Void elf paladins would be on that list. If they could be paladins, then anything goes in WoW tbh.


The highmountain leather set also looks like appropriate tauren rogue set. It even has highmountain daggers in the armor.

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Red eyed void elf paladin with red tentacles is all I want in my life.

I am a simple man.


I’d be down!

Definitely need night elf paladins too, since we’ve been teased by them in Cata and Legion.


Maybe the should just pick 1 or 2 classes that a race CANNOT pick, like:

Night elf can be any class except warlocks, because trauma of the War of the Ancients.

Draenei & Nightborne should’nt be warlocks either because of the Legion invasion, but they can learn any other class.

Maghar - Paladins.
Goblins, Gnomes - Shamans and Druids

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So basically just leaving Blood Elves with nothing unique is the goal here, got it.


Nightborne can already be warlocks.


I would LITERALLY die! YES!!! I’m glad he said that because now velf pallies can’t be shut down because of “lore”! We want velf pallies!


Heck, they can give an explanation without even needing a retcon. These races have lived together for a long time, it makes sense that they would teach the children to be other things. Transforming mechagnome druids? Pandaren druids? Tauren mage?

And another thing, why don’t we have worgen with a night elf model? Or undead with any race model we want, just using the undead racials and being undead. It would 100% make sense. It’s not like undead look at a corpse and say “that’s not a human so we can’t reanimate it”.

The base fact is that any class race combo is possible because it is a game and devs do whatever they want with it.

However, it is also a fact that if something is not possible, the reason is because the devs do not want to.

An explanation is not a reason. An explanation is not a fact.

“Laws of Thermodynamics” for example are explanations, they are not fact. Something that happens happens. IF it happens but Thermodynamics says it shouldnt, we dont simply say “that is not happening” if it is happening.

Same thing, the Devs are the Gods of the game, if they wanted a freaking Eredar Paladin, they would have story to back it up. (ops).

My thing is, why pretend to uphold the lore, when honestly it’s clear you only care about eSports and pushing item levels until people buy WoW Tokens to pay for boosts…

So, since we’re some kind of eSports game, just go ahead and open up the things the role players want. Who knows… it might actually help the game.


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About time we get more class/race combos is all I’ll say lol. Extremely overdue if they are finally adding them and if they aren’t I hope they will for 10.0.