I’m all for this. Just recolor everything Void colors because they use Void energy not the Light. But all the abilities are the same so there isn’t any rework of the spells required. The only difference would be visual. Void Paladin.
Exactly! There’s not even any need to change animations
- This shouldn’t have been necro’d.
- No, void elf paladins should not exist.
- No, changing everything to void for the sake of facilitating void elf paladins does not work and should not be done and the one example of a spec receiving reskinned spells kept them in the same spell school. Changing everything to shadow and then kicking a void elf paladin on it would be wild and inconsistent and should not exist.
And now I’m muting the necro’d thread. Ya’ll have fun.
shadina you’re always against it but the devs said eventually they will unlock all race and class combinations
yes giv us vood elfs paladinos i like the idea
goot, closse the door
Lol ongoing topic I’ll raise it when I want
Apples and oranges. Stop it.
slash spit.
The void and the light can NEVER coexist. EVER!!!
It really isn’t. Tauren can now move around with subtle actions that are arguably not possible for cloven hoofed giants.
Just make a void themed skin or glyphs
I’m for opening up race/class combos.
Please, Ion… give us void elf paladins.
Azeroth already has too many pygmy elves running around in it.
A race getting access to a class that uses magic to turn invisible but is otherwise wholly mundane is absolutely not the same as another race getting access to a class that’s both thematically and biologically anathema to them. They’re not remotely similar, and one already exists because it makes far more sense than the other in-universe.
They’re not doing this. Like Shadina said, making all of their spells purple and having them deal Shadow damage instead of Holy would be too much of a technical nightmare, and them introducing a Void glyph for every single Holy-based paladin spell is an equal pipe dream.
Honestly, the concept of void elves getting either regular paladins or Void paladins tailored specifically for them needs to go the way of the dodo. Every thread on the subject devolves into a self-aggrandizing echo chamber of “plz plz plz blizz gib void elves paladins” posts like
your movement is completely intolerable to most normal people, the lot of you insist that it’s one of the most important things Blizzard needs to do (it’s not), and you more or less appropriated the entire class skin fan concept for your own purposes. Now, whenever class skins are brought up, 9 times out of 10, it’s only in relation to void paladins; never fel paladins, fire druids, holy mages, etc., with maybe the occasional necromancer over warlock post.
Why’d you necro this when there is a current version of it anyways?
They’ve done it with priest spells, though?
Halo is a holy spell in Holy/Disc specs, but a shadow spell with dark visuals in Shadow spec.
I don’t think it’s that much of a hassle.
grumbles about participating in a necroed thread
This! Blizzard has made this one already change depending on your spec so its clearly not a super hard deal as we used to think to make a class skin system… at least in some capacity.
Just limit the customization options to the High Elf ones if you pick Paladin, there.
TBH, Blizz went about the High Elf Void Elf thing in the bass ackwards way. Should have added High Elves first then added the Void part in later.
As they should. At this point race should be nothing but an artistic choice by the player. They retcon their lore so much and are doing it again with Dragonflight! Lore doesn’t matter anymore and sure shouldn’t be used to limit player choice,
Just no.