Void Elf Paladin

Void Elf Paladin copium thread.

Holinka mentioned that classes like paladins will require more work for future race options.

:rainbow_flag: :v:


I think it’s better if they don’t add this specific class combo :hugs:


Would you like Silvermoon, our hawkstriders, our paladin horse mounts as well as our blood knight armor? Perhaps even Lor’themar theron and Liadrin themselves? Can’t think of much more you can pretty much steal from the Horde.


You also thought that

  • Void Elves wouldn’t get natural skin tones
  • Void Elves wouldn’t get natural hair colors
  • Alleria would get a new model with permanent blue skin

So judging by your track record this means Velf Paladins are incoming! :hugs:


No one wants your low poly empty city with 0 flying, I promise you, you can keep it

Idk how wanting a class = wanting your entire city and culture. You guys don’t own Paladins
 :woozy_face: It was an Alliance class above all else if anything. Acting like Belves didn’t have to literally enslave a Na’aru to get them :skull:


I cant see this happening for lore reasons but who knows at this point


Before my break in 9.0 there were threads of alliance players asking for Silvermoon as their racial hub instead of
 what ever is that you have. When you finally got pale skinned elves, it wasn’t enough, so you took normal elven eye colors
 which wasnt enough so then you took pretty much all the blood elf hair colors and some hairstyles. And now you want paladins which was a thing requested when void elves got introduced. When will it stop? Who knows!


allied races got dk, its all out the window.

we are getting void elf paladins.

id like their jewelry as well pls. :smiley:


Eye colors were given first/at the same time
Belves also got the SAME eyecolors at the same time but go off!

No hairstyles were taken. But yes we did take your hair colors! And I love every minute of wearing them! xx

Couldn’t tell you :cry:


If its made to be fully void themed and do shadow damage it could be cool.
But I don’t see blizzard ever doing that, and a pure light class has no business being on a void elf otherwise.




It would have to be under expanded lore, and in the form of something like class skins which includes new spell effects and names.

We already have healing spells which use shadow magic → Shadow Mend


Can’t wait to see what reason that gets created that the Light and Void can finally mix so the Void Paladins can exist.

You know this would be fine if Nightborne got the same treatment and we got a lot of night elf stuff
 or actually even given the models that are in surarmar
 but nightborne is still the least customizable and ugliest race amongst the horde. While void elves continue to get more. Horde bias said what?


On this note: I would love to see a brand new Blood Knight → Void Knight Order. Except of siphoning from a regular Naaru, the Void Elves are siphoning from a Void Naaru


Yes poor Horde getting all the Allied Races they wanted while Alliance got robot leg Gnome reskins, yellow Draenei reskins, Blue Elf reskins, and big Humans :roll_eyes:


Lemme grab some tea for this thread.

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tauren reskins, orc reskins (racials absolutely are the worst in the game with not enough customization either), Purple elf reskins. And a small furry race that half the horde outright despises while the other half are
 well 18+ related stuff.

Also want to note draenei shaman totems got a model update sometime within the last two expansions
 so all alliance shaman totems are looking great, and the tauren, trolls and goblin shaman totems still look pixulated and ugly.


I wanted High Elf’s for Alliance since warcraft 2 & 3. Guess we don’t always get what we want you know? Instead Alliance got some ugly random Void Elf that had hardly any lore compared to a High Elf which Alliance had silver covenant as a “Ally”. Lore just makes no sense thanks to bliz don’t play wow for lore or logic not in 2022

Just wanted to make a noble Blue and Silver paladin or ranger but nope.


Void Elf or Night Elf, Alliance should have an elf race be pallies.