Void Elf Paladin make a lot of sense

well realistically it makes sense that sentient beings could ask to be trained in any class or profession, the only limitations being biological, such as void and light not co-existing. one could chain into the other, however, such as naaru going dark as they age

Care to elaborate on that a bit? High elves have been a very popular Alliance request for over a decade, and you cannot tell people what they can and cannot ask for. Perhaps you should take it up with Blizzard that the Alliance is failing in numbers and not blame the player base for that, as Blizzard made the choice of giving people Void elves instead of High elves to begin with?

It’s all good and dandy to generalise in this manner, but when you properly look into it, what is it that Void elves actually got? Hair colours and skin colours, nothing new all copied over from Belfs. So how much is the work that Blizzard actually put into us then? Perhaps more than some other races have got so far, but you cannot deny VEs are very popular, more so than some other races, and at the end of the day additional customization for these other races is just a matter of time.

I was referring to not needing to ‘‘just play a blood elf’’ in general. If you want to play a Thalassian elf on the Alliance now you can do so. Yes Paladins are not available to VEs atm. Some day they will, and they are a very popular request. And if they don’t, if I really want to play a Belf Pala I guess I will do so, but you cannot convince me either that it’s morally correct to force people to play a specific faction just to gain access to a certain race / class combo. It just feels very forced.

If that’s your only argument on High elf paladins then it’s a bit poor. How would Paladins not be a High elf thing when High elves on the Alliance have been living amongst Dwarves, Humans and Draenei for all these years? Do you really think a High elf would not be interested in the path of the Light, especially if that meant bolstering its powers when so far away from the Sunwell? After being exposed to and influenced by Human and Dwarven culture for so many years and the Draenei teaching them about the blessings of the Naaru?

Vereesa and Alleria are working closely together, we can even see that in the last cinematic of Shadowlands. Alliance High elves and Void elves are absolutely joining forces, so it matters not who chooses to be void-corrupted and who doesn’t. The distinction has blurred.

I’m not looking to stroke your ego here. You find this insufferable because you don’t like us asking for stuff for VEs. You wouldn’t like it no matter what we asked for because you’re probably just another one of those who thinks we stole your stuff or something. Which we didn’t. You still have everything you had before on your Belfs, and more. Yes the Alliance has Thalassian elves too now, but we can always ask for different flavours for the two races. How Blizzard decides to handle the Thalassians is up to them and not us at the end of the day and it’s unfair to blame players for Blizzard’s ultimate choices.


People forget the main reason alliance got shamans and horde got paladins was because Blizz was done with the constant battle of keeping two massively different classes completely balanced in PvP. Easiest solution was adding new races that could do the other one. The lore reason for it was very divisive at the time, too, but it was accepted since it meant shaman and paladin didn’t have to take turns being nerfed into the ground.

To be honest I wish they give void elves the paladin class just to piss off the blood elves here

Their entitlement is off the roof
so i got no sympathy for them.


I dunno which is worse. People acting like they own the game or people such as yourself who want to act with such spoilt and childish attitude over wanting something.

I don’t care. The single most-requested Alliance race is an idealized version of a Horde race that replaces the latter’s edge with the same puritanical righteousness often associated with humans and draenei, and the people who request it are a self-righteous vocal minority who make the rest of the Alliance look bad. You think people weren’t going to oppose such an addition over time?

The Alliance playerbase absolutely should take some of the blame for their falling numbers, because they’re the ones playing the damn game. Blizzard’s heckling and apathy for them aside, Alliance players have been going Horde because of the belief that it’s the faction with the best-performing players, yet they want to blame everything on Daddy Blizzard for not giving the Alliance high elves, sethrak, all of the Horde’s races and capitals, etc. They and their sympathizers’ inability to accept at least some of the blame is worthy of a psychology book.

It’s not about how much effort was put into their customizations, people are upset with the frequency of those updates in comparison to other races. All the customizations being high elf or Darkfallen-related was also done at the expense of people who wanted the Void race to get more Void options but have so far gotten squat.

You think your argument is any better? I’m sick of people here pulling out the “They’ve lived with other races who have this class, so they could learn it as well” card because it’s a load of crap. Why didn’t gnomes get paladins in Cataclysm after living with the dwarves for so long, huh? Also, it’s hilarious that you’re suggesting that high elf paladins could’ve become a thing from living among humans given that one of the main criticisms of the race is that they’ve allowed themselves to be assimilated into human culture.

My point stands: paladins aren’t a high elf thing, they’re a blood elf thing, which should be obvious considering the latter has a lot of paladin NPCs and the former’s can be counted on one hand. Trying to force void elves to adopt paladin culture or turn it on its head so the two are compatible is madness.

You’re asking for them to get access to a class that is completely anathema to them unless Blizzard were to go the extra mile and add a variant that turns it into its complete thematic opposite, spell effects and all, and your kind has been doing so for years. You aren’t the victim here. Meanwhile, the people who post concepts in the velf customization thread are infinitely more tolerable.

I’m not. Quit trying to lump all of us opposed to helf/velf paladins under the same umbrella.

But it’s not unfair to blame Blizzard for their customers finding faults with whatever they give them?


To be fair, blizzard has said they want to go towards a more all races all classes setup. Given that, its a good idea to let Blizzard know what the players of the velf race want to see there and hopefully guide the race to still be in compliance with their lore. In this case if we’re going to get paladins, it would be best imo if they were designed with the void still in mind.

We’ve already lost a lot of what it means to be a velf to our customizations going all over the place with little explanation or lore to back it up. I’d hate for Blizzard to give everyone paladin (or shaman or druid) and just have it be without care for who we are supposed to be.


Meh. The game loses integrity with every expansion of the story. Trying to use reason to justify it isn’t worth the effort. Tauren can be rogues, of all classes. What point is there in not making all classes viable.

Its not my personal belief, but it is the path Blizzard has taken to appease the masses. I’d rather stick to the original lore, but that was butchered too so its whatever I guess.

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All restrictions are dumb at this point, everything should be able to be everything.


This honestly makes no sense.

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Eh, I’d broaden it to the wow playerbase as a whole. Just a self fulfilling prophecy where because there have been more players participating in content on horde side it is seen as the side to do content on, and that’s not helped by the people that exaggerate the problems of the Alliance to include things that aren’t true (like worse racials) So there’s encouragement to join horde, and depending on where you look, active discouragement from the alliance to try on that side.

I’m hoping that with the cross faction grouping stuff you’ll see people realize the utility of alliance races and dispell some of the false narratives that discourage allaince participation.


i originally requested half elves as a viable alternative to high elves and met the same wall of no as high elf requests.

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Shots fired. XD


I mean, that seems to be along the lines of what I’m saying, the majority of it is that horde has the population doing content so people go there. And hoping now with cross faction stuff we’ll see groups wanting certain alliance racials for things they prove useful for, Basically so that now that there’s not the hard faction barrier for the content it might spread out more to the Alliance as they get shown to be competitive in cross faction stuff.

and he said it 4 years ago. lol


I mean, I’ve always felt bad for the Alliance because it sucks that the people that wanted to do the content on that side had so much trouble finding groups and all. And always figured it was just the general inclination of people to go with the easier path, which in this case was the population being where it was.

The only thing I think I go farther on is that I feel like there’s a vocal chunk of players that sabotaged the alliance in an attempt to nerf the horde by overselling how bad the alliance had it, not just that there wasn’t the pool of people to choose from, but stories about how the devs had their fingers on the scale or what not that prevented the alliance from performing on the same level. Just felt like a way to scare people away from that side more than get them anything since what was being hoped for was way out of whack balance wise.


I’d rather not have Void Elf Paladins when Worgen, Night Elf, and Kul Tiran are right there.

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Only if the Undead can be paladins too. Since it’s the same logic.

Actually, it’s not the same thing since Lore wise Shadow Priest are consider different from holy priests. Like there are almost no Holy undead Priests since the light hurts them.

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funny, void elves havent gotten any new hairstyles, no jewelry, no headdresses, no tats, no hair decorations, no jaw decorations. also no new classes, in fact we are the only elf race that cant be demon hunters (or paladins (belfs) or druids (nelfs)) due to lore. and considering all blizz’s customizations went into dracthyr for this expac, anyway, we will be in the same boat as other non upraded races as far as those shortages are concerned. we still have less options vs. humans and blood elves, who will soon have even more with dracthyr visages.