Void elf or Night elf female Hunter?

What animations are better mostly.

The answer is clearly night elf for all things.




It is possible I am biased though.


Yeah night elves seemed to look better but i dont know if i like the firing stance for the bows. Looks too composed i guess?

Definitely, Nelfs… Voids are just a limited and lame copy of us… Belfs

And what are nightborne?

Wanna be night elves that look 10 times worse.

As stated before: “Wanna be Night elves that look 10 times worse”

So, Whats the point behind the question?

I would go with Nelf :grinning:

One word to keep in mind when it comes to Hunter: Shadowmeld

Racials for velf are nice for a mm Hunter tho. No delay in casts of aimed shot and steady shot when getting hit, 5% extra damage that sometimes procs, spatial rift paired with disengage can be real fun in pvp.

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Although very true (And not mentioned before) OP was referring to animations.

About Male animations I think that Belfs Copycats animations are Better.
Female hunter animations, on the other side, Night elves look way cooler.

Night elf by a mile.

…nice to see you again… :wink:

honestly you cant go wrong with either. I have both a void and night elf hunters. Both racials are awesome. both bring different ways to play to the table. void racial is get out of the way fast while the night elf is I can hide and ambush.

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If they had implemented the datamined ability to transmog your shoulders separately I would say night elf, but since they didn’t I made my alliance hunter a void elf. Clipping drives me nuts and night elf shoulders clip like crazy with the legion marksmanship artifact quivers and there’s no way I’m not using a bow with a quiver.

If they implement that eventually I’ll probably race change, though.

99.9% of shoulders in this game are ugly/look stupid on any character.


Dark Iron Dwarf.

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Nelf hands down.

Transmog looks better, animations look better too.

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/10 char

…doing dailies the other day in bastion…

A convenient excuse to find Lorthemar a big mana horde girlfriend.

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