Adding these two races for the demon hunter class is necessary primarily from a gameplay perspective. Both races have all the animations except for some very minor metamorphosis visuals which do not matter anyway.
Lore wise there are a few ways I think adding these races can be viable seeing how we now have gone through an expansion which equates to time passing in Azeroth. Whatever is left of the Illidari can start training new members to replenish their numbers. Which is the simplest way.
For something a little more complicated an existing blood elf demon hunter can venture to Telogrus Rift like the other Blood and High elf wayfarers to study the void. Void elves in general would be fine for the most part for their intense discipline combating insanity.
Nightborne themselves don’t really need any hardcore basis for becoming demon hunters since they really don’t have to worry about numbers. Like the night/blood elves, just start training and go from there. Which should in theory would work for void elves as well since they will be the second generation which would call for less of a drastic approach to training since the Legion is fractured.
There’s that whole Fel and Shadow, Light and void thing that they tried to push once upon a time I understand why that’s a thing but with Shadowlands coming and all that’s kind of being placed on the back burner for now it seems.
With the leveling squish I feel like this would be a really good time to introduce this. Would personally love to quest through all the content when it’s level relevant.
I know a lot people will hate this for reasons of their own accord be it through lore implications or just sheer resentment of the class in general.
Thank you for reading, xoxo.
You know? I’d be fine with this. If they want to lock it down to Elves, might as well let all elves do it.
Would make more sense I feel to let Draenei be dh’s over ve imo as they have a much longer and detailed interaction with the legion and more potential reasons to become dh in the first place, not to mention there are already unique eredar forms in the game that can go nicely for Draenei dh metamorphosis forms
That would be neat but my reason being for void elves/nightborne is that the animations are already ingame and would be very little work for Blizzard to implement at this moment.
I would add Orcs and Draenei and a few other races as well.
Red Draenei and Fel Nightborne could reach player hands through choosing demon hunter.
The animation are there, no reason not to unless you’re a lore book thumper which is pretty unreasonable.
Ideally, I would advocate for all races but once more not to sound like a broken record is that the other races do not have the animations at this time while those proposed in the main post do.
I’ll take Nightborne and Void Elf DH but only if Draenei and Orcs get em too.
anyone using the “but the lore!” excuse needs to shut up. Even Blizzard doesn’t care anymore.
Give us Forsaken Paladins while we’re at it, too.
You’re a demon hunter, not a death knight. Stop raising the dead.
Ugh, one of the things I hate about necroing threads is seeing people I haven’t seen for years.
Like Rosenylund.
Orc Demon Hunter is first on the list, pal
Yes, but only Night Elves and Blood Elves are Demon Hunters. It is part of the lore.
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Hell no. Draenei (eredar) and Zandalari is first.
Imho… we don’t need DHs anymore. You should be able to retire them as a rogue/warrior but get some cosmetic upgrades for having leveled one to max. They can’t balance them.
Still would prefer orc and draenei demon hunters.
Especially if it’s the gateway to Broken and Fel orc customizations.
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I mean… Was there even a lore reason why only Elves could be Demon Hunters?
I figured it was just because Illidan only happened to train Elf DHs during Burning Crusade.
I think that’s the only reason. Illidan went with elves cause that’s what he knows.