Void Elf jump twirl

I hope this gets fixed for you Voidies. I have a random question about BE/VE females though that's sort of similar. Did they always have ADHD? I played around with some tinctures the other day and I noticed BE females almost constantly play their idle animations. Other races aren't like that, and definitely not BE males. Sometimes we'll play 2 or 3 in a sequence but only rarely.
Hmm, I have a velf and belf lady...now that you mention it, it does seem like the velf does it more often...though I have been playing her more here recently, so it may just seem like it. I've noticed my Nightborn lass will do an idle like 3 times in a row, but it looks like it skips the last bit of it and restarts, kind of weird lookin'....
So, this thread started 2 months ago...can we get a nod or anything that it's a known issue, at least...?
This doesn't belong on the second page! We will not be forgotten!
Tsk tsk tsk. What are you doing way back here? Come along, thread, front and center!
2nd page? Nonsense! All these other bugs can wait. This takes priority.
I just made my first void elf today, and having jumped hundreds of times and not seen a single twirl, I am deeply disappointed! I played blood elves exclusively for years, and the twirl is silly, but I miss it. Void elves are literally blood elves who took a different path. It would be nice to know whether the disappearance of the special jump animation is intentional or not!
Roll Horde, you filthy traitor.

Problem solved.
09/21/2018 03:29 PMPosted by Kîllawar
Roll Horde, you filthy traitor.

Problem solved.

Nope--bigger problem there. Horde is extremely demoralizing right now. Unaccustomed to that faction being unambiguously evil. How boring!

I'd be disappointed, but would understand, if Blizz actually removed the twirl animation to further separate void elf from blood elf. We just need a new animation, then. XD
Hello? Anyone working on this fix?
I'd wonder if they purposefully removed it, if it didn't look so...weird, right now. Someone else mentioned it, that it looks like some of the frames of animation are missing. That said, a lot of the other race's jumps are.....curious. Reminds me of having to get a mod for Oblivion to nix the "marionette jump".

As a nice looking jump, the twirl should never have been removed if it was, and should be reinstated asap if it's a bug! *weeps onto fainting couch*
We will never forget! Bring back the spin!

It seems sad that at this point I think Blizzard did this on purpose and won't even bother telling us that they did.
addressing the real issues lol.
Just because some of us joined Alleria in the Void, doesn't mean we lost our twirl--so please, get this thing back. It is part of who we are.
Where's my twirl blizz!
Free the twirl!!

On a different note. I don't have nightborne unlocked, but can they front flip like night elves can?
No, the Nightborn do not flip.