It’s pretty clear in the Heritage quest Lor’themar sugar coats heavily his opinion on Sylvanas because she’s still presented as a war hero.
Blood Elves were also one of the races they showed in game to an extent (not the majority or the kingdom of course with Lorthemar siding against Sylvanas) as former loyalists in chains around the city.
I want to say in either BTS or one of the short stories for war of thorns when Magni came to speak to Sylvanas her personal mage she had on hand was noted to be a BE serving his Warchief, so it wouldn’t be strange for BEs to feel saddened by Sylvanas as much as the Forsaken or other Horde members who expected more from her.
They are still better allies with the Forsaken because of their shared recent history then they ever were with Alliance members, in fact when push came to shove Quel’thalas was neutral rather than stay in the Alliance at one point in its history. Push came to shove in recent lore and BEs are more Horde than ever with Lor’themar sitting on the new council.
I get that, I don’t want BEs to join the alliance. BEs are forever change and will never be Quel’dorei again. Ren’dorei are also not Quel’dorei, but the three share some visual characteristics, like blue eyes. And it’s OK.
You share the non void skin tones as well and that is more than enough sharing.
You have a unique visual theme and most of BEs visual theme that is not okay to many people who take issue with the loss of visual distinction and obviously Blizzard has kept the visual distinction in place, and that’s okay.
The horde inside the gates of orgrimar and the horde outside it were both still horde, if you want to get technical, Sylvanas horde was the true horde as she was their warchief, the would-be siege was a flat out Alliance and a few horde rebels, versus the true Horde inside the gates.
The Silver covenant allowing their siege weaponry and their leader to lay siege on either side of orgrimars entrances is the exact opposite of “neutral”, as it is not for Dalaran to decide which side of the conflict is “correct”, for all they knew, it was horde traitors aiding the Alliance to finally end the horde.
At that moment, the cube opened with an explosion, allowing Nether-Prince Durzaan — the corrupt ethereal who had stalked Alleria and made an attempt to claim the Sunwell — to surge into Telogrus. Durzaan immediately began a spell to capture and corrupt Umbric and his followers, binding them in an attempt to transform the elves into creatures of the void.
Not only they started on the wrong foot by quoting exactly that, but right under the “Convergence of Shadows” of that same article, it says that.