Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Right?!?! I’m also going to make another high elf mage and her main mount is going to be that golden/alliance themed frostwolf :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Plus, its graphics are old and blurry. If you don’t have the SC horse already, I would simply try to obtain Sundancer, which is basically a high res version of the SC unicorn.


I’m sure they will put some work into it if they have to separate the hair color from the texture of tentacles or what not. We still don’t know when 9.1.5 is coming so that gives them time to work with. All’s I know is it most likely won’t be botched lol, especially judging form their recent exhibition of a few of the LFD and NB customizations :heart_eyes:

Love that mount too!


Another amazing mount that fits perfect for the Silver Covenant (to me at least) is that one store mount! Sapphire Skyblazer!



And if you’re looking for a modern SC-themed unicorn, Pureheart Courser is THE mount:


Another thing I love about the normal hair color message is they did not give any ounce of attention to the argument that ‘it’s the last point of uniqueness separating Blood Elves from Void Elves’ (which is false ofc anyway).

There was no mention of that at all, unlike when skin tones/blue eyes were first asked for. They just simply went ‘yup got word normal hair colors are getting added due to feedback’ :partying_face:

Means they are reading the feedback people are leaving on what they want added and they appear to see quite easily what the popular choices are to be added in. The same as NB getting better faces too!


Unlike when skin tones were announced?

What do you mean? I don’t recall Blizz making any mention in this sense

When they were first asked for. Where Ion did the whole ‘roll horde if you want a fair skinned, blue eyed elf’.

That was pushback to the idea for human skin tones/blue eyes on Void Elves at the time.

This time they were like ‘after announcing the LF/NB customizations we saw many comments on natural hair for Void Elves and the team relayed they’re adding 5 options in 9.1.5.’

No long draul about ‘preserving identity’ or w/e hoo-hah unlike the former.


Ahhh I see.

Yes, thankfully Blizz has realized it’s time to listen to their playerbase. These hair colors have been one of the most popular requests since the beginning of SL, both on the forums and social media such as Twitter.

I do have mixed feelings, though, when I think that they’re just giving us these options to mask all the lawsuit scandal stuff.

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Would be nice if they’d listen to more of it though.


I see it as them trying to cater to Alliance more because no one wants to play that side really and I doubt that the so called new options for Void Elves is going to change that really because that side sucks for anything outside of casual stuff here and there both PVE and PVP wise.


I mean, it’s not like they haven’t been doing that for the last few expansions. Even if they aren’t necessarily good at it.


Honestly not only in the case of Blood Elf folk who might feel rather… annoyed by all this…

But like… Worgen players, goblin players, Nightborne players…

So many feel kinda lackluster right now. (That said heres hoping these Nightborne options are really good.)


No one was trying to prevent high elves after ve was a thing. They where trying to prevent a 100% copy of BE on the alliance which is reasonable. What blizz is doing is morally wrong.

I know her story, and the ordinary blood elf isn’t one to be like her.

This is a strawman arguement. And if you want to use that arguement, the leader of the 7th legion would suit it better. There is lore lines in bfa even of umbric talking about his people even.

Funny, she was the only “void elf” in that fight, she used her powers to bring gnomes to the fight.

Teacher is not a leader.

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She brings in Gnomes and Void Elf Rangers.

Yeah. I’ll admit some of this is just my usual annoyance with people pretending that they’re the only ones who matter. But there is a lot of stuff they could be doing that would be nicer for more people without bothering other people that doesn’t seem to be happening. Seems odd that one little group is getting so much more attention than much larger things.


I totally agree given I have Warlocks of lots of different races but as someone that loves Nightborne I put them first even above my Blood Elf which is my main. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Like scars across everyone… That seems like it wouldn’t really be the hardest thing to push out along with this to me…

Though I’m not a programmer or model designer so what do I know? Also I appreciate that they’re doing anything at all.

Void Elves have effectively gotten two passes albeit one is rather small. But in both cases they’re high impact for the players involved.

For my part… there are no void options with either except maybe the purple eyes.

As a result I can understand that.


I wouldn’t be… shocked if we got a few more voidy options for void elves with the Highmountain tauren stuff.

I mean, I also wouldn’t be shocked if we didn’t.


This makes me sad every time I think about it because I like my Void Elf having the void options it does have, I just wish I had stuff like permanent glowing skin, black eyes, etc. sadly and like I said other day the more natural options Void Elves get the less likely it seems they will get more void options which is sad for those of us that actually like the void theme.