Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Better yet why would anyone want to given the personality and toxicity they bring to well every thread.

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I can think of a few reasons.

Some folk like to chase after people with bad attitudesā€¦ different views. Its not unheard of.

Heck when I had my post history hidden it was because someone was following me around cause I had a different opinion to them and they wereā€¦ a little unhappy about it.


right theyll get over it eventually . Im all for adding other stuff to blood elfs too tho , they better not disappoint with the lightforged and nightborne ones tho . They really neeeded more options badly .

Weā€™ve got a mutual acquaintance in these threads that I swear thereā€™s an organized campaign to harass her, and sheā€™s such a sweet lady.


If anyone is actually stalking anyone from thread to thread thatā€™s really creepy but fair enough.

lol i barley post here

Pretty sure I AM the one who shuould be complaining over a rando coming to a thread with the express purpose of calling me names since yesterdayā€¦ now WHO is the proverbial creep folowing someone just to insult her, hmm?

Oh boy, believe me. ThatĀ“s NOT the kind of poster you want to defend nor much less protect. Less of all the behaviour she has shown consistently in all and every one of these threads.


If its not too much to ask, you could always give them some support in the Blood Elf customization thread I linked above. Iā€™m sure theyā€™d appreciate it.

I wouldnā€™t expect huuge changes for both LFD or Nightborne, but heres hoping its good.

Rather excited for the longer tails for my LFDā€¦

Thatā€™s funny. We keep going, they got model, will they be happy now?

And every time thereā€™s another step to keep chipping away at identity. Never enough.


lol :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :sob: :joy: i legit cant dyin


Not really. I was talking about a specific thingā€¦ you retorted about a broader thing.

I had thought the broader thing was obvious, so I amended the explanation. This is more confusing for me since the broader thing isnā€™t mutually exclusive.

Also, because youā€™ve mentioned this chronicles thing beforeā€¦ I think that perhaps I should explain how it works to you.

Everything in Chronicles IS canon.

Until Blizzard decides to retcon it. Such as Steve Danusers cosmology comments.


Believe me, heā€™s not a poster it should matter to as heā€™s been pretty poorly behaved himself.


People will always ask for things they want. Sorry not sorry.


Yup, no problem with that.

But damn you seem to have a problem when we advocate for what we want.


Fen, no. Please no. I beg you. NO.

YouĀ“re inviting an anti-Belfer to participate in that thread -and while we have our own means to kick her out-, the inconvenience to the other posters there is NOT worthy.

We will have to endure until only legitimate unpoachable stuff remains, like the actual territory and the NPCs.

Sad but thatĀ“s how things are apparently gonna go, soā€¦ :yawning_face:


you advocate for gatekeeping requests. I have no problem with those who want more blood elf customization and have never gone to their threads to scream the word no for half a thousand posts like you guys.


its not taking away their identity tho cuz like they were belfs before they went void so like it makes sense to have access to some natural features of the core race itself tho .

I have no idea. I came because of the Hair color announcements. Iā€™ll likely be around to make hair style requests, but continue to actually play the game.


lol im not even an anti belf but ok :joy: :sob: :joy:

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Nope, you just come in and lie about people and treat them like scum for having a different opinion on pixel elves.

And as Iā€™ve said before, itā€™s a mirror, our request is counter to yours which is counter to ours. So if keeping the blood elves and void elves unique and interesting is saying no to you, copying blood elves and squandering void elf potential is you saying no to others.