Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I know who it is…

It just reminded me of another character/person with that hair. lol

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Captain Peroxide!!! And let it be known I´m a dirty UNAPOLOGETIC Spuffy shipper :smirk:… so yes, I LOVE Spike (I could never stand Angel, sorry. Such a loser for me as a character).

Indeed that´s the angle Velves can take, normal colors with some tiny “crazy” colors in the roots or tips of the hair like the amazing mockup put on your thread. Heck, if the “ubber Helfers” deffinitely DON´T want them cause “not Helfy enough!!”, then I think I´ll respectfuly ask to poach the idea for the Belves instead? But only in the case Velf/Helf players don´t find them interesting.

And under YOUR CURRENT ARGUMENT IN THIS SAME FREAKING THREAD, that became kinda pointless. Cause High Elf “farstrider / wood” themes belong to BOTH races.

And I repeat: the poster NEVER claimed ownership over those -as a matter of fact, she very diplomatically said so there… and when you didn´t get the drama you wanted, you had to resort to say “I just wanted to clarify where did it came from”.

At the end of the day, it IS irrelevant where did it came from if the theme is a commonality between Belves and Helves, with the Belves having the actual military organization.

So you guys believe that type of tattoo design should be “Alliance” exclusive? Like right now?

But sure, you are NOT hypocrites for feeling as such while you upvote the “let´s poach ALL the visual hair stuff -and some even the eye colors- from Belves!!” that´s totally harmless, amrite? /sarcasm

And I´ll repeat again: the poster never claimed the art as hers, ergo NO “artwork stealing”, dude. Artwork stealiong implies someone trying to pass the art as THEIRS, which never happened on that thread, dear (once again, an F in actual reading comprehension).

/rofl, don´t steal my words.

Cause actual slimy despicable behaviour is to make a thread AND support it´s goal of actually poaching the stuff from one race onto another AND then go to the poached race thread to make corrections like “the art that was done FOR THE EXCLUSIVE ALLIANCE HIGH ELVES!!”… like W T F, dude!!! If the Farstrider stuff is COMMON to BOTH playable races, then what´s the issue?.

Congrats, now THAT´S an actual useful example on how you guys can get regular colors. I liked the ones with the truly tiny magenta roots on the hair while the rest is blonde. Or shades of blonde that are “neon-esque” and are not a lazy copy/paste from the current Blood elf hair colors.

Feel free to visit Fenelon´s thread, cause you will actually find useful stuff there. Not in here with people crying like babies about “muh Belf clones” and nothing else.

Someone never watched Buffy, I see… yes it´s Billy Idol, but remember that joke on the show regarding Spike and Billy Idol?


Impersonating others on the forums.

Problematic stances on human rights.

These are things that are questionable for example not someone’s dissent over pixel elves.


Posting more void elves with blonde hair on-topic.

Beautiful. Gorgeus. WC2 vibes~
I love Daenil. Top tier 10/10 elf right here. Every time I see this elf I go : )


Especially since they are High Elf/Half Elf Drawings with Human Parts added to make them look different from Blood Elves lol

It came when the main idea was the change them up to be both Half Elves and High Elves as one race as a large differential.

I guess they want Blood Elves to look more like humans?


That is a BE Farstrider :hugs:


That is not what stealing artwork is, but considering your hot takes when it comes to interpretation, it doesn’t surprise me you’re trying to twist this one too.

Stealing artwork would be me printing out the mona lisa and claiming I painted it. Using art for something that was not inteded (and do you even know if it was intended for your goal?), it’s questionable, but not stealing artwork.

And the point is that you have very little moral high ground when you keep on taking other people’s words, interpreting them, and using them for your own goal… funny how, in hindsight, both cases seem quite similar.

That’s not a void elf.

Glass houses dude. Scratch that, it’s not even glass, it’s made out of cardboard, soggy cardboard at that.

That’s still not a void elf.


I see no reason why void elves should be stuck with wet purple hair or male pattern baldness. Nothing about the void is wet, and the void doesn’t have to be balding at the temples. The old gods are only sometimes under water, and frankly I’m about to douse every velf with dry shampoo. Maybe velves and belves can swap a couple of hair appearances but get their own special twist on it, like a streak of blue hair dye for velves or red highlights for belves. We all know blizz probably forgot about velves by now, anyway, so just make them the discount (alliance!) high elves everyone’s always wanted. And also give them cool-tinted normal hair colors instead of the warm-tinted ones belves usually have. It’s not like anyone can tell the difference when you’re wearing a full set of armor, anyway, who gives half a rat’s butt about silhouettes at this point?

inb4 “muh lore” when the writers retcon a random assortment of stuff at any given moment, anyway, so who cares? Let void elves be blonde or pink or whatever.


Lol no, but I guess you can’t say you didn’t try that angle I suppose.

Anyways, here’s another on topic high elf.


Oh, another alt?

Did they up the 50 characters per account?

Or… spending money on extra accounts?


I think it’s two fold I think we’re being talked about off the forums


At least you’re finally admitting you’re not posting void elves.

High Elves are in the Horde, though.

I wish I had enough disposable income to validate my own opinions on the internet.


This just in, everybody on Wyrmrest Accord - a literal role-playing server - are all the same person.


I’m an alt but I am perfectly fine with what Void Elves have currently and think they don’t need any more until after other races get what they need first then we can get more void based options only.

Lol, this was supposed to be directed at you, I’m not sure why it wasn’t.

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Oh hey look an alt, can I come join this conversation? I’m gonna defend every reason no one should get anything they want because no.

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My senses tell me another pro high elf opinion it’s on the way.

Must be the new face.


Remember when they tried to imply the anti´s called them n@zis when nobody has actually done so?

We have a NEFPA in SF who admited to feel the impulse (thank god hes/he didn´t) to go and “tell” someone irl he/she saw in a store using a t-shirt with the Horde symbol to “feel sad he chose to support the facist side”. Implying people that like the Horde or like Horde stuff SUPPORT FACISM IRL FFS!!!

Now THAT´S an actual example of what could be harrasement. When you trascent the game barrier and go accuse irl people of stuff simply because the t-shirt they put on a day to go shopping.

You may want to see the actual post before you jump to cry wolf and act like a White Knight, Drede… cause the image the poster used wasn´t precisely one using “short ears” or “really darker skins”. It was this one:


Heck, considering Blizzard put BOTH darker skin tones AND short ears (as ridiculus and wasted effort as I find the last ones) as valid customizations for Belves, me thinks even if the poster in question had used them on that thread, it would be totally valid as a “Farstrider looking theme”. Cause I repeat: Farstrider themes ARE common between BOTH Alliance aligned Helves AND Horde aligned Helves -currently called: Belves-.

Is just you guys making drama here and there over something Blizz already poached. If anything, the author of that artwork could comply over Blizzard “stealing” his/her ideas… but then again, Blizz could sue too considering the freaking model of origin as theirs, ergo guess WHO stealed artwork first? You can´t “claim” to OWN an artistic idea A FREAKING COMPANY OWNS SINCE LIKE 2 DECADES AGO!!! THAT´S WHY IT´S CALLED “FANART” DREDE, CAUSE THE ACTUAL OWNERS OF THE MODELS AND WHATEVER RIDICULOUS IDEA THEY WANT TO DFO WITH THEM ARE ACTIVISION BLIZZARD, NO ONE ELSE!!!

You guys have some NERVE trying to claim ownership regarding ACTIVISION BLIZZARD stuff!! It´s theirs, period!!!. Don´t believe so? Go try and patent those and come back here to tell us what happens -and how much money you have to pay a billion dollar company while at it-.

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/Clears throat

Every race deserves to be their own unique thing. Even Night elves got to maintain their uniqueness not only in themes but also in visuals, but is not fair for neither Void Elves nor Blood Elves to be the only ones that are not allowed to be their own, independent thing because people can’t get log of their LotR idea of and MMORPG.

Also, I’m totally someone unrelated to the topic and definitively not related to any poster on this topic.

(Hah, this one is not even in any guild)

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Posting on-topic high elves on my alt now that I can actually change what character I post on again.