Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

No, but what we are asking for looks very similar.


New plan. Whenever this thread pops up in its various incarnations, I’ll try to get a level on Persistent and/or undecided blood elf alt. Who is probably a hunter or a warlock or Haha certainly not another monk or warrior that would be ridiculous

Having actually played some WoW of late, I actually have a dog in this race, because it turns out every void elf in Stormwind is using the same 2 hairs in the same 2 colors and that’s depressing.

Guys, guys, guys. Surely we can discuss this topic nicely. We’re all adults and we all only post about this crap because of our shared hobby, there’s no reason we can’t be cool to each other.


The only issue I see is an inability to respect other people’s stance.

And the only reason to do that would be to villainize that stance to further advance your own stance.

Because the idea that BE players should hold some visual distinction is bad and that this side is now the bad guys because you can’t get everything you want is an unfair way of categorizing the opposing voices on this topic.


Never seen so many people against more customization options cause “Muhhh BloOd ElF doN’t FeEL diFfEreNt”


well you are on a rp server. nothing wrong with RPin a bit of fanfiction nostalgia

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“Explain how people not wanting others to choose their hair color is unecessary”? I’m not sure what you’re question is here.

Lann is choosing limiting peoples hair colors to withhold this perceived sense of uniqueness he has, instead of suggesting new options. I’ve made this clear before

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Dumping on people for their opinion won’t help us get the hair colours. It just makes us look like jerks.


Not a pally, though.

Also, my goodness, I need to get someone to 60 beyond Sledgehammer and my druid.

I’ve just not been in tune with Shadowlands. I like casual PvP and playing dressup with my toons, and all the hamster wheels to keep spinning have just been a bit. Much.


Why do you feel Void Elves should be allowed to fully replicate the BE visuals, they effectively have two visual themes. Blood Elves don’t have that, most core races don’t have that.

Either hair options mean so little VEs don’t need it anyways, or it means a lot and you recognize why people would advocate for the remaining bit of the BE visual theme to be left alone.

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I’ve been the same.

Most of my playtime for this expansion has been leveling alts and adjusting a few character’s looks.


I have 3 level 60s. I play 0 of them.

The quiver mog will probably change my mind in 9.1.


It’s the same few people unfortunately. They’re just very…very dedicated to prevent people from choosing their hair color lol


Yeah, I generally push keys and mythic raids but this xpac just feels like work.

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nice try but remember, no getting around the choice. you have to pick one. blood or void


Or maybe it’s just the same few people in support, as generally when these threads happen non regulars often don’t lean in support of further replicating the BE visual theme.


Lmao you’re dreaming.
I don’t think many people share your intolerances, sorry


Gives everyone a good excuse to bust out their Silver Covenant tabards.

Or if they’re classy like me, Theramore.

Gotta admit, Persistent feels better with a certain sword than most of my other crew.

But yeah, variety is content for me – in players around me and in my crew. If it belongs on our team in lore, I want the option to play it. Or at least to group up with it. Including Jinyu and Hozen, ogres, taunka (why they weren’t a bit of a tauren customization), lately especially forest trolls, and all the orc clans. And more!


No he’s Lannisterien.