Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

LOL we are basically the same there is nothing wrong for asking for basic customization options lul you people are so uptight

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i cant take you seriously lol kmart

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But what’s a base customization?
Until Void Elves none of the races with fantasy skin tones like orcs, space goats, trolls or goblins had human like skin tones, but they had a base customization of tones in their own ranges. I don’t think there’s one universal set of options that are needed on all races, like not all races will work with certain hair or skin tones, but as long as they have a similar breadth of options (SEPARATE TAUREN HEAD AND BODY HAIR COLORS ALREADY BLIZZ!) available to them that’s good.

I also think it’s a bigger plus to the game when a race brings new looks into the game that aren’t available elsewhere. So for me giving a race that doesn’t currently have them normal hair colors on a model that already has them is less of an addition to the game than giving that race new hair options that aren’t already available elsewhere. It’s more visual variety and distinction.


And the criticism should be just as fine since these “basic” customisation options are already available on the opposite faction.


Lady, VE fans does not want to have high elf customization either.

I’m starting to feel your trying to flame people here.

No to Blood elf hair styles going to VE. Instead let us receive original, unique customization that actually reflect our currupted nature.


Funny, I can’t seem to take you seriously either because you want to be a Blood Elf without actually being a Blood Elf or playing a Blood Elf and generally people have a name for people like that but I won’t be rude and say it but it’s still laughable. :joy: :joy: :joy:

However keep being jealous and envious that I can look like a High Elf for real and you can’t, it makes me really happy that you and people like you don’t get what you want.


The customizations to look like Ye Olde Alliance High Elf are already here.

Now what would be nice would be some diversity, as this hair color only looks black with a few styles, and while the silver looks popping with all of them, I personally am so over Magical Silver Haired Waif.

Even if it is the Alliance High Elf Look.

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LOL! I really love you sometimes Tarrok. :joy: :joy: :joy:

That’s mighty kind


We all know all the short elves are magically corrupted night elves.

And night elves are just trolls who stopped trying.


The tusks were just too high maintenance for them to deal with.

Also, c’mon forum refresh, I’ve been 60 for like a week now


Mine updated a little while ago when I changed posting characters for a few minutes then changed back to this one, so you could try it but I can’t say it will work but maybe it will.

It’s updated my mog since then, and I’m not bothered enough to go through that yet

Fair enough, it was just an idea because that’s how I got my blue eyes and blonde hair to show up so fast. :yum: :yum: :yum:

And they should be fine for void elfs then since its the same race

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I’ve always found levels take longer to catch up than mogs or customizations on the forums. Even in the old days, so much as I remember that far back into the mists of time.


But we already are belfs , it just makes sense to have the basic customization . im not the one upset its the antis that are the most upset at the idea lol


you do not speak for all of us not sorry


Again, why should void elves get special treatment?