So we all know all races all classes is soon going to be a thing (except for evokers and DH’s maybe).
And we all know the forums will explode whenever void elves are given paladins. But… no one is talking about the potential druid forms for void elves, and the outrage it will cause among certain groups of forum posters.
If void elves are given void-based forms, as it is logical since, you know, they are VOID elves, helfers will probably scream and pout and will demand blood elf druid forms too for void elves.
But if void elves are given normal high elf forms, with no void theme at all, void elf fans will burn these forums.
So what druid forms do you think will void elves have? Personally, I think a dark phoenix for their flying form and an octopus for their swimming form. I am not sure what their cat, bear or moonkin form would look like.
A shot for every time I said “form” 
Don’t most racial Druid forms have multiple colors? They could do both depending on how they look.
The easiest thing to do is just add “void-tinged” bear/cat/moonkin skins. I like the idea of their aquatic form being an octopus 
Why is it that velf players are always assuming EVERYONE cares about velves?
It’s so weird.
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Um… they already have a bunch of nightmare forms in the emerald dream raid in Legion.
Honestly that sort of look would fit them fine. Or even some old god beasts/aberattions.
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I care for nightborne/goblin paladins probably gonna make those two. Can’t wait.
Makes me think of Nya’lotha and how all creatures related to that patch had N’zoth’s eyes, weird shapes and were voidy.
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Theyre void elves.
Gotta be void based.
I mean if they are druids then technically they shouldn’t have void forms of druid magic correct? I’m not as super on top of the lore as lots of peeps but my understanding is druid magic comes from Life/nature/wild gods whereas Void comes from Shadow. Can nature magic really be tainted with void magic? Wouldn’t that cease it being nature magic at that point?
Maybe someone better equipped with lore knowledge can clarify 
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They’ll likely be void touched/corrupted animal forms. Think emerald nightmare.
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It would make no sense at all. Druids for Void elfs or Blood elfs. They have no connection with nature / Emerald Dream.
First fiasco LFD and Maghar orc warlocks.
WoW class-race combos are going down the hill. Years of building up lore to destroy it later…
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While I prefer mechagnome Druids with metal arms and legs in shape shifted forms, I like the idea of a void elf druid.
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Take the nelf forms, tint them purple slap on some tentacles and they’re good to go. Or they could make them old god corrupted looking. Granted the Helfers might start complaining again cause the void stuff ruins “muh fantasy!”.
They could have the paws, claws, talons, eyes infused with magic. Maybe runes on the body as well. Just have one or two be a blue arcane color. The rest could be purple void colors.
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