Void Elf Demon Hunters Please

Please make it happen.


Please make it happen.


Yes, this NEEDS to happen!


Are new demon hunters being created still? I will be the first to admit I am not lore junky but I thought they were done being ‘created’ so there wouldn’t be Ren’dorei versions since they came about after the fact.

Somebody get this paladin out of here.


After Legion a blood elf DH goes back to Quel’thalas and finds Umbric. He begins to study the void with him and the others. He gets caught up in the void accident. Tada! Void elf DH.

I want to create a DH, but I don’t want to have another Horde char, and I think they messed up NE animations/models. VEs are the best models/race imo.

No reason they should not be able to be any class that a BE can be.

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Time to educate you three about what happens when you mix void and fel

Stage Four: Tearing Apart
Xhul’horac completely absorbs the energy of both the Void and Fel portals, preventing any new creatures from coming through them, and rapidly destabilizing

This boss was overwhelmed with fel and void because he couldn’t control it

In other words you’ll explode

Plus the blood elves from the DH intro are fr burning crusade timeline

So please show us a void elf from the burning crusade lore


and throw paladins in there too plox. Thanks


I was just about to say something about that, i thought there was some sort of fel/void interaction

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Warlocks regularly use both shadow and fel magics. And I mean of course that boss was gonna explode. Any creature would explode if they couldn’t control an excess amount of magic, no matter the type.

Warlocks cast fel and shadow like how priests use holy

A demon hunter is INFUSED with fel, you literally have a demon inside you. Your eyes are glowing green, you bleed green, your scars are green

Complete difference one another

Which they have learned to control. Sure the bombardment of void would be hard, they of all elves might be able to survive it, with their past training and such.

 they wouldn’t be the most stable of persons
 just like the void elf NPCs on BFA’s islands.

(yes, I support it, we need more ‘fun’ alligned options)

You have my support.

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Not all can control them as they gain more power

One of the demon hunters that you taught when you were learning specs exploded when he couldn’t control his new powers

I would also like Void Elf DHs, and Paladins as well! Let’s make it happen.


Blizzard has proven, they will change the lore to fit the game. And NOT change the game to fit the lore.

Make it happen.

Show me a void elf from burning crusade content

As long as Nightborne can also be Demon Hunters, this sounds like a fair request.

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I don’t care for new elf demon hunters

Make them trolls your already half way there since zandalari use night elf models,

Make it happen