Void Elf Customizations?

Like trying to police yellow tats for belves?


There is more to high elves than blue eyes.

Blood elves are not high elves just because they have blue eyes, they are just eyes.

And besides we should be giving more customization to gnomes and pandaren.

Unless you are these two races i don’t care about your customization woes.


Unless stated otherwise, they cannot, otherwise their entire recruitment scenario was irrelevant.

All we can do is rely on the context clues we’ve been given, we gain regular skin tones and blue eyes, which along with the High Elves in the rift, points to High Elves on the Alliance.


High Elves in the Rift points to High Elf Wayfarers in the rift.

Which are also now on the Alliance.

Your point?


My point is the Wayfarers aren’t entitled to the HE customizations in their entirety. Which is why they still have the hair styles and colors that they do.

Though Jet black fits the void theme, and hopefully pastels are added I think that would be quite nice don’t you?

Actual canon High Elves aren’t entitled to actual canon High elf customization?



High Elf Wayfarers are studying the void, and are now Void Elves, you have the High Elf Wayfarer appearance. What is the issue? Its not the Silver Cov Elf you demanded? I think this is a very nice compromise. What I don’t like is what Blood Elves have to show for it as they got the short hand in this deal.

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Without the regular hair colors that are seen in High Elf NPCs all over, which is why people are asking for them. Simple.

You policing requests with 0 ground to stand on. :man_shrugging:

Customization requests for Void Elves are entirely built in canon in-game lore.

Why is that an issue for you? Why do you insist on telling people they aren’t allowed to ask for things they see.


I don’t care you make requests?

You care people stand in opposition to your requests though, what you do is policing.

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By pretending lore supports them yes, because it doesn’t support you Lann, what people are asking for isn’t a greedy fantasy, it’s in-game examples.

People are more than entitled to ask for canon friendly High elf customization for Void Elves, especially, with it staring them in the face the second they make their Void Elf.

I’m actively looking at a red haired High Elf wayfarer right now, please don’t pretend the only hair color Void Elves are permitted is Void centric, especially after Blizzard themselves, opened up this flood gate.

Sorry, when your entirely oppositional platform is based around what you didn’t receive contrary to what others have.

You really don’t have a platform at all hu?

Maybe if you spent less time making excuses as to why Void elf players “have received enough”, and actually made more noise for what you want Blood Elves to get, you wouldn’t of been disappointed this time around?

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This seems like a very logical argument, so again, it’s people disagreeing with you with valid cause.

Although this quote may be accurate to describe your arguments when you try to declare only lore supports you and everyone else is lying.

Fyre has never had a logical argument, your argument collapsed the second you used her as a source, she has actively skewed lore to fit her narrative on High Elves for a year and a half.

What you seemed to miss is that the “regular” tones for Void Elves have no story explanation other than the “other” elves we’ve seen in the rift, so she would be right if we were talking about “OG” Void Elves who were there for the Void accident, of which the entire point of which was supposed to be an “incurable curse”, with 0 avenue for a cure.

Unless stated in-game or otherwise, “Void Elves” with regular skin tones and BLUE, eyes, are the canonical High Elf wayfarers we see in the rift to this day.

When you keep using the same lore skewed argument to try and make your case, yes.

Because that’s not a good faith argument, you’re trying to fight my A argument with your B argument, its actively disingenuous.

You have no explanation for regular tones for Void Elves because no one does, the next best thing is to surmise that the “regular toned” Elves that Blizzard actively put in the rift, are what these options represent.


Sometimes I have disagreed with her, sometimes I agree with her now. When she is right she is right, that isn’t a very nice thing to say.

So you are requesting that all NPCs use only available VE hairstyles then?

You’re saying no one has a clue… but also declaring your assumption the correct one? How about no.

Sure, she’s right on point B, we’re talking about point A.

Stop deflecting.

Not at all, I and many others are requesting the continuation of this obvious avenue they’ve taken for Void Elves, we’re not looking at this from your biased point of view in wanting to take Void Elves in a direction other than what High Elf fans are requesting.

Nice try.

Nope, this is what we call context clues.

Just because there’s no canonical answer doesn’t mean the next best thing in clues that lead to a likely answer aren’t also acceptable until there is an answer.

This is actually how it works, sorry you’re too deep into your envy to realize that.

If there is no concrete answer but a likely and solid answer based in actual in-game examples, you’ll sit there and say “that’s not acceptable”, because that suits your narrative?

No Lann, that’s not how this works, sorry.

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Again and again, velf players show they’re at once ungrateful as well as impossible to satisfy. I suppose next up is “Give us paladins and call us High Elves.”


There’s nothing wrong with requesting more options & there’s no logical reason at this point to continue denying regular hair colors/styles to Void/High Elves. The avenue to High Elves through Void Elves has been opened and it’s here to stay. There’s ways to do it besides stealing anything from Blood Elves. As others have brought up before, Void Elves could inherit Hair styles/colors from other Alliance races such as Humans, Kul Tirans & Night Elves. This achieves the High Elf look and takes nothing from Blood Elves.

I’m happy about the new Void Elf stuff, but it’s not complete. There’s nothing wrong with people requesting Non Voided hair and regular hair colors like Blonde/Brown/Red/Black.


Opened and completed in the same action. Void Elves can now be High Elf Wayfarers, to the extent that they are intended. Why do you assume more is meant for you? What about Void Elf fans who like Void Elves for what they are?

And pastels, the others I disagree with.

Not for you to decide.

It’s laughable for you to believe you have as much of a foot in the door as you think you do.

You know who else thought like you did?

Antis, and it hasn’t really worked out much for them has it?

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It’s not for you to decide more is coming for HE customizations for VE’s either. It’s your second visual theme, and it’s not meant to be on par with BE’s main theme.

I mean idk what colors and styles of hair do we see on VE’s? It looks like both sides didn’t quite win and that is fine.