Void Elf Customizations?

Why do you keep saying this? Who are the antis? Some may identify with a group and others not, you shouldn’t label people who disagree with you.

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Are you serious or just delusional?

Don’t answer that, we both know the answer.

Antis are literally against the idea or opinion of Alliance High elves.

They are exactly what you say is “different opinions”.

And why are you villainizing that exactly and people who don’t agree with you? What is that agenda for?

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Only person villainizing the term “anti” is you.

They’re literally anti-alliance high elves.

It’s a description, not an opinion on them.

As someone who thinks the Factions should not only be eliminated, but are now actively hurting the game - at least the lore part. I believe that allied races like VE and Nightborne should be given nearly all of the options the original races.
Maybe the VE should have the glow-y tentacles in their hair and the Nightborne their really stiff looking idle stance - otherwise be identical.


Here is you in another thread villainizing them.

Heres you doing it in this thread.

So they are people in opposition to your request for High Elves that you constantly villainize.

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Oh yes.

To me, they are villains, since they seek nothing but the stopper of customization request out of a petty denial of Alliance lore and false sense of exclusivity they lost the second Blizzard decided to copy their model onto the Alliance.

In the above conversation, it was a descriptor.

You think this is a gotcha? Literally everyone knows this.

Also nothing to do with any topic discussed thus far, is this the part of the night where you cry foul on people treating you badly while you haunt void elf customization threads making people think they shouldn’t be asking for what they’d like to see in-game that is being actively shown to them in-game, because you’re bitter about your own individual customization?

If so let me know, since you have nothing left to add, I’d love to head to bed early.

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Okay so to summarize you actively villainize people who disagree with you over High Elves.

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Let’s not cut off the rest of the quote to pretend you’re right Lann.

Typically skeevy of you.

Also, since you have a hard time reading:

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Coming from the person who admits he villainizes people who disagree on the topic of High Elves, what does this even mean?

Anyone can see you have 1 edit in your post, and my post replied to your original two paragraphs but you added the last part because you started to look bad.

I love the part of the night where you have no argument left.

Keep defending anti-player request people because they’re entitled to their “opinion” while their “opinion” is based in skewed and incorrect lore.

Oh cute, you think calling out people on their blatant lies and lore skewing makes me look bad.

Nah dude, you don’t deny what’s in front of you in the game we all play and come out looking good for it :man_shrugging:, there’s a reason they lost twice, lore supports, the high elf request.

They skew it to pretend it doesn’t by pretending we’re talking about blood elves, we’ve never, been talking about blood elves.

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Probably because Void Elf players didn’t choose to take a race they wanted and make them suck some void until they became blueberries only so they could be slightly different, that was on Blizzard, after making people farm for reputation with the one Broken Draenei group that survived the influence of the void for whatever reason.

If anything, the fact that they gave Void Elves normal skin tones and the classic High Elf blue eyes show that they weren’t completely set on the idea of Void Elves. Because let us be honest, they are stupid, they lore is half-baked at best, they were shoehorned into Legion’s Allied Races unlike very other race there and their whole culture is based around their racial leader’s ideals, but even more so than the Forsaken.


If you consider that true, then Blizz is having an emotional response which would override your logic below. If you think they are really doing this out of hate, then they don’t have much reason to give you what you want. I doubt anything with VE’s is being done out of hate though. That’s a rather strong emotional response.

The void doesn’t necessarily dye your hair. I’m so over people denying options for other players that make sense with the lore. I hate the pervasive and frankly childish “they can’t have it cuz its mine!” mentality that some of you people have. It’s embarrassing.


At least you’re given a more attractive voice, Mophead. :coffee:

I could say the customization could wait longer.
It has no effect on me, why bother fixing perfection? :smirk:

Blood Elves need purple Eyes. It’s not acceptable that Void Elves have access to purple eyes and a core Horde race does not.

I have several transmogs that NEED purple eyes. Also, several of my characters RP depends on them having purple eyes.

Please, Blizz, fix this, BE needs purple eyes.

The blood elves have been in the horde since TBC, back in 2007. Their only involvement with the alliance was a campaign in the expansion for WC3, where the story was about them leaving the alliance. So in what deranged way are they “typically” associated with the alliance?


I disagreed not because I wanted HE, but because I’m more of a paladin fan and would not want any form of undead paladins, as well as want to witness the outcry of forsaken’s players uproar from it’s implimentation.

I can live without HE being it’s own race, undead paladins of any form I’d rage quit.

Who are you responding to on this? I disagree with BE’s getting holy themed tat’s, they can have yellow tat’s as long as they are not holy themed or holy magic glowy that some people asked for. BE’s are not the holy race, they seek any power to control.