Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Imagine if they could somehow get one on their side…

I mean every one we’ve encountered has been hostile but what if they could do something to help contain its destructive tendencies and learn from one. A darkened Naaru to help them even more master their power.

And even those look like they’re very much within the realm of possibility I think.

With the glowing hands Nightborne got I could see something like that happen.

Also if I’m not misremembering…

this is yours too right? The starcursed hair kinda fits with what I’ve seen you show on that too… >.>


Mayhaps, although I do like the more dark thought that the only ways to deal with a dark naaru is to either turn it back to light, or absorb it, as Alleria did.

We can go full dark and basically re-do the Mu’ru thing, or more nuanced, and perhaps have a willing Naaru at the brink of darkening -thus existing on that liminal space between light and void- being helped by the Void Elves.

Like the idea of being on “the edge of madness” in order to see all the possibilities, with the Void Elves drawing void energy from them to maintain that state.

(It really could be Lu’ra herself being separated from Alleria. Like, by doing so, she has removed enough Void energy from her so she has her mind back and chooses to help the Void Elves willingly)


A friendly Dark Narru just hanging out in the rift would be pretty cool TBH.

To be fare, some of the bigger Void Walkers have them too. But yeah, it’s a neat connection.


Indeed!! That’s where my starcursed hair color concepts started proper :D!

As you can see on the concepts I made, the purple on blonde is basically how her hair would look in game ayy!


Oh indeed! That’s why I think the Void Walkers are also connected to the naaru, I don’t think it’s a coincidence they look so similar to Entropius.

My theory is that Void Walkers are similar to Naaru, if not the same, but too small to actually have a light/void cycle of their own. Perhaps they are even remnants of destroyed Void Naaru that have coalesced through the eons.

Be as it may, I think they are indeed meant to be part of the same family.



What if it sacrifices itself, because it knows that the Lightbound are coming to Azeroth, and its trying to help ensure the Void Elves are able to survive, like its gone against the rest of the “Light” and submits itself to this to not only help by giving us visions of the possibilities but also functions as a catalyst to make more Void Elves proper!


Oh I’m getting giddy with this idea.

I rather like your story with her that I’ve seen/remember.

Its actually whats made me think of having my one highvale high elf character start to go through a process to become a void elf herself.

Those starcursed hair colors would really help to sell it and to give everyone more interesting options for Void Elves without going too far off the deep end.

Not that I mind the deep end. I’d still love to have Voidberg. :octopus:

Any thoughts on how “Light Elementals” look exactly the same? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes! The idea that a Naaru is against “The Tyranny of Light” and understands the cycle must continue, so they side with the Void Elves in order to stop their wayward brethren. I’d really like if it was Lu’ra herself, as it would tie together the VE’s as a race closer to the Naaru, but on the flip side of what we see Draenei do it, and Alleria’s journey. Kinda wraps the VE themes more tightly together.

Thank you! Indeed, basically her father was one of the OG VE’s, and she decided to follow on his footsteps after the fact; she was indeed a blood elf, but I imagine she was more neutral, so maybe she was a Scryer before becoming a VE. But yes! I really like the idea of the possibilities of elves becoming VE after the initial event.

Urgh, a Voidberg Shaman would be kinda amazing (I really wish we had seen more VE’s in Stormsong Valley :/)

Exactly! I think they are part of the same thing, just different sides of such a coin. I think that both of them are part of the same “materials” that make a Naaru (whether because of similarity or because they are parts of what once were naaru; like one of the OG concepts we have is that naaru were forged during the collision between void and light, so they are both, maybe these void walkers and lightspwns are part of the same collision of energies, but the bits of it that didn’t form into a Naaru)

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Not only would this help to bring everything together but the wealth of lore and direction it could give to the Void Elves as a whole would be amazing.

This is the sort of concept that can help to deliver them from being merely traitorous Blood Elves with blue skin to an actual race with its own ideals and desires.

I love it.

hmmm… might make an addition to the OP “story” section.

L’ura being pulled from Alleria would be a bit weird to me but I wouldn’t be entirely against it by any means. Though I might be concerned for Alleria’s voidiness. lol

However they did this its more than worth a suggestion to Blizzards ears.

My story for Fenelon here had him trying to get back to Silvermoon for years but hitting a bunch of unfortunate events that drew him closer to the void and studying it.

He eventually did reach Dalaran but it was as the Blood Elves were joining the Horde and he couldn’t bring himself to join them, so he ended up as a member of the SC.

But after the Purge he couldn’t remain with them. Even with the blood elves being enemies killing his own people just pushed him to leave. He couldn’t go to Silvermoon so he wandered to Void rich areas instead to study its energies more hoping to find some way to use it for good.

When Alleria and the void elves showed up in SW, he couldn’t help himself. He went immediately and joined and, in my headcanon at least, he went through a ritual process to turn into a Void Elf proper.

Those stories carry so much more weight I think for many than just getting stuck in a trap by ethereals, so I’m not surprised by how common that line is. :smiley:

We have so much potential, we just need some hints and lines from blizzard to truly open it all up.

This is more or less what I think as well.

In fact I’d bet that all the void and the light are one and the same just fluctuating between extremes as their life cycles move between the “flickering candle” of existence.

It might help to explain a lot actually.

One interesting thing of note. The NPC’s that use the transmog black hair texture on live currently have no textures on their tentacles. But on the PTR, their tentacles now have the normal textures. While not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, it seems the changes made for the tentacle toggle inadvertently fixed that issue.




Now that is interesting.

Have they switched to the black we got as well or are they still that npc only black?

The black hair texture appears to still be the same one that isn’t available to players. I’m guessing the decoupling of the tentacle texture from the hair color texture (due to the reuse of Blood Elf hair textures for Void Elf use), resulted in the NPC tentacles also benefiting from that decoupling and thus referencing the tentacle textures separately from the hair textures.


Amusing. Now if only they can give us the NPC black color…

And fix the blasted holes in our hair Blizzard! shakes fist at clouds


That would be nice. Let’s hope that when 10.0 rolls around, Void Elves see some clean up to the existing hairstyles and a host of new ones, all with tentacles, and designed to look good when tentacles are turned off.


That’s kinda my thought on it as well.
Npcs and such could follow the story and specific default groups, but the players can be the odd ones out. There may be options I’m not fond of, but someone else might really want a certain set up.
Freedom to build their character as they want.

Like with Simaia’s suggestion for the Worgen paladins, having gilnean’s following the light makes sense, but at the same time I feel like having some following Elune makes a lot of sense as well. Being introduced to the culture via the night elves, and even being part of the Army of the Dark Moon. Having a sect of Elune worshipping worgen paladins seems pretty fitting and fun.

If someone was playing a human paladin, but liked the themes of the Void more than the Light…being able to choose that option would be great.
I still think with the examples of the Light’s behavior over the last few expansions, founding a sect of Void wielding paladins makes a lot of sense as a precautionary measure.

All sorts of cool options could be done. Then if further down the line, some other new paladin theme made sense and was added, no one would necessarily be locked in and could switch if they liked it more. :slight_smile:

I quite enjoyed it. It was the most recent book in the long line of Drizzt books. He’s almost been a supporting character over the last few, but I’ve not minded too much as I’ve really enjoyed the other characters the books have been focusing on as well.

Those are pretty cool.

I still think transformations like this should have 3 states.
Have a button similar to shadowform that Priests have.
Click it once and it activates and stays on.
Click again and it deactivates and stays off.
Right click and it gets that little rotating dashed outline (like pet spells and WC3) and this makes it auto cast on combat begin and end. Changes into and out of based on combat state.

That kinda covers all the bases.

Those are great.

Lightspawn look like a void walker but…light.

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your art is fantastic!


I found this fanart with an all-tentacle hairstyle.

Personally I am not a fan of this hairstyle but I know that there are people here who would like to have it as a customization.:+1:


Its wonderful except for maybe that bit going through the eye! lol

Not everyone is and thats 100% ok. We can all be happy in what we’re looking for here.


yes it’s strange :sweat_smile:

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OMG, I love that ! :heart_eyes:



Yes! Finally!

I heard they were working on male ones. Hope they do a rendition without tentacles so that I can post both in my OP. Glorious.