Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Look Traitor elf, you can’t change what you had become by covering yourself in sugar.

It might change the way you taste on the outside but the next Orc that bites into your void flesh is not going to like the taste.


How sweet! :innocent:
/ties your shoelaces together

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Killing with kindness is not a trait I don’t think that Nelves possess.

If only Tyrande were to have tied Nathanos laces together.

ut oh. you’ve summoned the pinky


gimme a sec. tryin’ to think of something witty to say. pinky’s brain has been on vacation for too long. need a warm up. :innocent:

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Ask yourself Void Traitor to the Sunwell; Q. Why wasn’t there any void elf concubines in the Black Temple?

A. Same reason why there are no Void Elf Demon Hunters.

time, a difficult concept.

Hmm when did Silvermoon exile Umbric? Was it before or after Arthas’s reign?

…Because they didn’t exist yet…

Doesn’t really matter… since regardless Void Elves didn’t come into being until just around the end of Legion…




wait a moment. let me calculate it

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dag nabbit, i’m not a demon hunter…yet. /sinister laughter. actually, i am not a fan of the class. looks fun, though!

come to think of it, void dh would look all kinds of interesting. but could fel overwrite void? could they even co-exist? void tats on a dh… /blinks


We actually had High Astromancer Solarian studying the Void on Tempest Keep, to the point of becoming a Void Walker herself. I’d consider her something of a proto Void elf, which is pretty much the reason I use the title of Astromancer for this character :purple_heart:

So their use of the Void actually extends back to the BC era. Farther if you factor in Dar’Khan Drathir.

Umbric himself was most likely exiled after the ignition of the Sunwell, considering the Void likely only threatened the Light base of it’s composition, which neither the Light nor Void were involved with the original Sunwell.

Beyond this unfortunately we don’t have an exact time frame, so one can safely assume any span of time between Wrath and Legion.

Better lore developments for Void Elves in general would be most welcome :hugs:


Pot meet Kettle

Indeed. I’d love to see those Wayfarers and Scholars being converted by means of a Void ritual. You know those Void Elves who are channeling a Void beam into a Void bubble up in the air?


Imagine a wayfarer placing himself in the middle of that bubble, absorbing the Void. :octopus:


Hahahaha I just had to give you a like there due to how hilarious your posts are being :joy: :rofl: I just can’t :rofl: :rofl: :sob:

I suspect that when Demon Hunter is expanded we’ll likely see every race get the option. (Though personally I’m hoping for Orc and Draenei myself at the very least.)

Assuming it was a Demon Hunter going through the ritual, I don’t think its impossible for them to occur any differently than our warlocks and mages and such.

Fel and Void can work fine together as long as its not overdone. (Like that one Boss in Hellfire Citadel in WoD). Many demons use the void for their own ends and so too do Warlocks.

As far as new Void Elves being made into Demon Hunters? I assume thats fine too.

Lorewise anyhow.


Lets not toss around that sort of thing here. Treat that one as though they are merely a blind child. They’ve yet to have their eyes opened to the many paths before them.

Paths we can provide.

Or perhaps see our control of the rift expanded, and containing that Void Storm on the third island and using it to do the deed. Perhaps it can even do many at once.


Kael’Thas would be proud!

It could be that DHs who learned under Illidan also became interested in the Void. Blood elves’ thirst for magic is unending after all :smiling_imp:


Let’s blame the bloodthistle.


There will be in a future, don’t you worry about that.

Either way there might not be any more concubines in a near future if Blizzard keeps rolling like it has for the past month.