Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

How about glowing eyes which change their color subtly in the dark?


I still want Starcursed everything so I can feel my Astromancer fantasy :hugs:

While I wasn’t thoroughly impressed with their original implementation, I really have come to appreciate the Void theme and all the potential it offers. I really do hope to see more of the stuff listed in this thread added whenever our next pass or update comes. :purple_heart: :night_with_stars:

The Void offers endless possibilities…


Any hints? I’m excited to see how you compile it.


I’m widely chaotic as a person when doing these things. Currently I intend to have it divided into a few sections with some explanations and then pictures to go along with the individual bits as examples. (or sometimes blocks of related things then some pictures.)

Much of it will be under spoiler tags to give the option to open what one is interested in vs. seeing everything at once.

There will be a few major sections for General Customizations, Unlikely Customizations, Entropic Embrace Customizations, Void Elf Heritage Armor and Weapons and Telogrus Rift and the Void Elf Story.

Again though I’m a very chaotic person with stuff like this… partially why its taking so long (that and people are adding things that are wondrous!) but I might end up shifting things around a few times before I’m truly happy with it.

I will likely be posting in the next few days with a “draft” version. Then fiddling from there.


Possting to tell you the devs apparently ARE actually taking feedback in the general customization thread (happy announcement for the Nightborne fans), ergo your time to ask for those juicy void features you deserve to get is NOW.

Chop, chop, Fen!! You may even get Voidberg Jones if the push is good enough, and you know I support you guys getting your voidy stuff.


/tiny voice
and some new helf/velf hairstyles? those too mr. wizard?



The art in this very thread is wonderful, the chance for you guys to have gotten those sweet magenta root but normal blonde color tips (the Ombré fanarts) was lost in favor of low effort texture copy-pasting (I mean, you guys had this wonderful chance to get unique textures and you just… lost it to catter to literal laziness); the issue is not even funny tbqh.

Insist on your own unique haircuts, frankly the copy-pasting game only benefits a few and not precisely the actual fans of the Velf race.


The hair will be yours one day :slight_smile:

I wish they would do something with Astromancers. To be honest, I’ve been pretty damned disheartened with Blizzard of late, moreso than usual. It’s kind of affected the post ideas I usually have. I doubt we’ll be seeing anything awesome or creative from Blizzard for a while, but here’s to hoping.


you know that teeth cleaner toy from hallow’s end, it makes your teeth/mouth sparkle? that would make a great fx for elf eyes. the sparkle i mean, tamed down a bit

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Having said that: Void Elves should rightfully open up some real class discussions, starting with Void Knights.

Blizzard, if you’re reading this (and not Tweeting :smiley: ), give me a chance with that Class Design position I applied for, I’ve got several classes and specs ready and waiting.


They just did mention they are in the process of perfecting the glowing hand effects in the thread Linxys been replying to.

This shows they are making efforts to add more unique and off the cuff customizations for players.

I put in a good word for a Starcursed version for Void Elves there, as well as for hair.

The thread is a pretty general topic, so if you have some feedback, I’d also suggest pitching it to the CM who has been making occasional posts there.


Hey guys sup, I made a topic about to get a braids toggle option instead of tentacles, check a look and If u like the idea, help me to support and share It guys, so de devs could take in consideration.
I think it could be a great and nice option, considering that we didn’t got any new hairstyle or other stuff unique for us :raised_hands: :raised_hands:


God, I need this class now, with so much vibes of Arthorias… so badass


I see the braids thing as more a high elf option rather than a void elf one, as such, I’ve not included it here and likely won’t.

I hope you get it, as I think it’s a fine option for high elf fans, and would help facilitate sharing void elf hair styles with blood elves which I support, but that’s as far as I’d like to see it here in this particular thread.


Aigh pal :raised_hands: :raised_hands: in that case, every new customization are welcome :smiley:


Exactly. I’m obsessed with the starcursed effect from void elf heritage armor and mount. I want starcursed hair, eyes, skin. Heritage weapons using that effect. Would be nice to have some color variations too, other shades of purple.


The starcursed effect is something I truly enjoy and would love to see more of for void elves. I’m not a big tentacle fan, but leaning into the ‘endless starry sky’ ideology of void is super neat.

And extra eyes… But that’s a topic for another day.

edit: Context for the extra eyes idea


Yas to all of that! :hugs:

I’d love darker blue, darker violet, sha blue/black, a lighter Ethereal blue color(think soulshapes) and a violet in the same color range as well.


Me too. I don’t hate the tentacles, but i just can’t use them on my characters xD i really hope they take a look at this thread, by far the best void elf thread. So many cool ideas to make the race unique!


Another thing for void elves could be to give them the unused idle animation for female belves


Differentiating them just like NB females have a unique stance to differentiate themselves from nelves.

It fits more their posh english persona , with the accent and all, after all.