Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I would just love to have the red eyes from the Dark Rangers with a choice of skin color, especially the dark purple and mahogany.


Here are the pets I like to use for my Void Elf Hunter:


I’d like to submit this one for the viewing as well.

And a few others I think fit somewhat.


Happy new years everyone!

I’m quite excited to see what customizations may await us in the next two expansions and I hope to see Blizzard realize, now that Kotick is gone, that attending to the desires of player customization is a good thing and to have them go wild with it!

Many doors are open to us, we need only walk through them.

:purple_heart: :octopus:


Going to more or less post this same post in all of my customization threads with some small changes for each race.

With the New Year beginning and our hopes for what that year will bring I’d like to just reaffirm that I will continue to update and work on this thread so that Blizzard has an easily viewable list, with pictures, for what players want to see for Void Elves, as well as a place for players to gather and talk about what they’d like to see for Void Elves.

A lot can happen in a year and we never know when or if Blizzard will add the things we request but if we do nothing to talk about it they’ll never know what we want or how we want it. Communication is important and while the Forums are often thought of as a place where Blizzard won’t listen or care, I’ve seen that thats not the case. We should continue with all effort make sure that Blizzard cannot forget that we’re here and asking for things, reasonable things, to be added to our favorite races.

So I’ll be here and I hope all those who support Void Elven options will be as well!

Many doors are open to us, we need only walk through them.

:purple_heart: :octopus:


Love all of these so much!!

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I feel like Ren’dorei is a reference to the Knights of Ren.

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I suppose that’s possible.

I haven’t seen the devs comment on the origin of the name.

LMAOOO the irony is too much :sob: I’m the one reaching but you’re inhaling massive copium and trying to adamantaly swear that Velf DR skintones was a bug that “accidentally” went live LMAO

They were. Now they aren’t. That train sailed long ago when Blizz decided to raise Night Elven dark rangers (who are now sitting comfortable back with their people in Bel’Ameth on PTR, I might add). The end. Womp womp.

Yes! Forum avatars bug all the time from new customizations, we see it almost every time new options get added. Not sure why this guy thinks DR skintones were the only ones that did it lol

The Void Elf race is not ruined. I think most Void Elf players are happy for the additional red eyes and white skin. That fits Void Elves aesthetically perfectly, those are colors we’ve seen on many void creatures in game. And those who want to RP Dark Rangers can!

Not to mention the only reason Void Elves finally got black and white hair was because of “Helfers” asking for natural hair colors.

We definitely need more Void-y options but Void Elves have gotten some nice customization options for sure!

Stop trying to speak for us. Thank you!


Agree! I would like it to be like Baldur’s Gate 3 where every race has a “slim” and a “buff/bulky” body option. That way you have body options that make sense for both casters classes and more warrior-esque classes!

One reason I don’t play my Night Elf as much lately is because I feel so strange having such a muscular frame on a caster, although I love it on my Druid. It’s also a reason I don’t often make melee Void Elves because it feels a bit odd swinging around a giant sword while so thin haha


Again, where’s the NB DR skin?

Palid skin tone and red eyes aren’t that hard.

Hahah, this is Blizzard we’re talking about. Since Nightborne skin tones and textures aren’t a 1:1 port of night elves, adding the Dark Ranger skin for them would have taken effort.

And if there’s NOTHING else we’ve learned from void elves over the years, it’s that Bliz would 100% rather copy paste than add new things that take effort.


Thanks for posting all of the pet ideas.

I’m still hoping for a star cursed hunting cat, and a star cursed stallion. :purple_heart: :milky_way: :purple_heart:


Yeah mog is tricky on VE Warriors and DKs >_<



This has nothing to do with VEs though.


While I may not agree with everything regarding the particular conversation, I do actually agree that playable Nightborne should have DR skins as well, for parity and the sake of player agency, even if it’s not a 100% match for the model, as it’s totally feasible that some Night Elven Darkfallen may prefer to remain with the Forsaken.

Though on the subject of Dark Ranger skins in general, can we please for the love of the Void have the DR eye and skin decoupled???

:purple_heart: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :hugs:


agreed, one reason i love playing a NE DK is because of the Night Warrior eyes :3


Me too! The fact that Night Elf DKs can choose that option makes me so happy. There’s actually a few places I wanna take that OC wise, though I don’t play said character atm.

The DR skin with purple eyes would look great, as would Void Elves and Bloopd Elves with red eyes. There’s so much untapped player agency there.


nods nods I lucked out with current raid, it lined up so well. Helped that the character’s name is Nymo heh.

OMG I loooooove the DK skin, that scar across the nose is so cool/cute


It drives me bonkers that the eyes can be swapped around in the WoWhead dressing room, but not in game :dracthyr_cry_animated: