Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

There is only the blue version in the wowhead dressing room. :frowning_face:
This 3-piece set fits well with the Void Elf armor and the 7th Legion armor.

I hope we can also have the red and purple version. :crossed_fingers:


Looks like the purple version would be a pretty decent match! :smiley:


I’m hoping these are from the trading post. The npc armor in the PTR files are probably anniversary rewards next year

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Okay is it just me, or the glows on the purple gem are a lot more shinier than the other two recolors? It doesn’t fully look like VE aesthetics, but it’s different than the other two.

TBH I do like to think these are BE, HE and VE coded :smiley:

EDIT: Saw bellow people are in agreement about this! :D!!!


Here it se being worn.


Blizzard was generous !
It’s really cool that this blood mage set has 3 versions to represent BE, HE and VE. :v:


woot pink hair for belfs! i know a few people who are gonna love that


eek beautiful! :sparkling_heart:

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they’d need to make the gold trim more of a bronze in order to fit the velf heritage gear. that gold is too bright yellow for most mogs, since hardly any golds are just shiny yellow. theres a robe in vanilla, with an electric blue/purple and yellow, but the purple shoulders would be too red to match it, though itd otherwise match many mog pieces. in short, we wont see very many mogs with it, cause the gold is too yellow. pretty though!

Weirdly the yellow in all of these recolors is so off from, well, anything!

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Blizzards art team is on a mission to never use the same color of “gold” twice.



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Hey look Fixed Void Elf Heritage Armor Sets. XD

Also Blood Elf too.

My pally is using a mog set that has gold trim and doesn’t include boots. Finding a substitute pair with a similar shade is impossible. :frowning_face:


The eredar/man’ari customization received their own fel-themed Gift of the Naaru racial ! I find that an interesting addition.

I imagine Blizzard could make a void skin for void elf paladins. :person_shrugging:


“Could” being the key word.

The Manari customization changes the single racial ability.

A class skin that completely and drastically changes every aspect of a class (all the abilities for the base class + all three specs) just for one specific race? Not likely.


I think more stuff might be on it’s way: the new PTR build a couple days ago unexpectedly broke blood elf customizations. Like my char changed appearance (face, eye color, ears, jewelery) and even if I get.it back to what it was, it breaks again as soon as I’m out of the barber.

So I think they’re messing with the customization options data, and we got some incomplete preliminary changes in that build so it breaks.


There is a quest to change the color of the destruction warlock’s spells (green fire), all races can do it. It’s a shame Blizzard hasn’t done the same thing for other classes/spec… :slightly_frowning_face:


Changing warlock red fire to warlock green fire is a smiddddge different than changing holy paladins to void knights though :3

It doesn’t matter, glyph or quest, it’s just to have purple spells. no need to change spell names.