I think all heritage needs some reworks. Several of them are kinda…subpar.
I really would love to see some new colors and also some different chest options.
This would be so perfect for me, I want this guy to look like a void elf but the cold blue skin just clashes with too many transmogs for me to live with it, including the warm golds of their own heritage armour… having the hands and feet turning purple while the rest of him still looks skin toned would be great.
I think a lot of people would love to be able to be in a state where they’re inbetween.
I have never seen this movie before and I am… So… Amused.
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So, the final Emo Battle, the “Void Elf Rogue Outlaw”, a self important art mogul who thinks everyone loves him:
If you refeering to “Doncha” from the “dont you wish your girlfriend was hot like this ?”
I actually have a wife hot like this:
She also has a voice very much like Drakka’s in this video too.
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theres no way i’m gonna wear the wings without a tabard covering it up. like i’m approaching 70 years old lol
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hehe, my velf is not flirtin’ with ya, i promise.
Yeah. They’re neat but I also do not like to present myself to the world most of the time and that often translates to my characters.
Her hair has a starcursed effect. I wonder if blizzard was inspired by fan concept.
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Void elf heritage would become #1 very fast if it let me use the chest piece as a robe or just a chestplate. That or literally just make the wings a cosmetic attachment somehow and I’d be happy.
While that would be cool it just looks like a stylized version of our tentacles coming out of the hair to me…
Though… That color on the Starcursed effect Rama made would be badass!
Very nice!
I really think a robe option alone would just really bump up the number of people I see using it.
That and an armored version for our more armored classes would be amazing.
Fenelon would probably use a robe version of it most if not all the time.
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But is he a velf paladin?
He is obviously a priest !
Dang. Back to waiting patiently for some velf paladin representation. Well, maybe not so patiently
If they do decide to work on void knight type paladins we might see something by the end of DF.
Lots of void themeing coming up seems like.
I was always partial to the option of making the wings customization.
That way we don’t sacrifice back slots.
Definitely want a covered or armored chest as well as a robe option though!
Oh that IS a pretty neat idea! Like yeah cape would be good enough, but as a customization option from the barbershop? the potential of that! different shapes and all!
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That was what I was thinking! it feels like a mix between starcursed concepts + the glowing tips of the tendrils. Love it.
EDIT: Fen and I got to talking about who came up with the idea of naming “starcursed” the idea of adding stars to the VE hairstyles, does anyone remember? I just remember when I uploaded my initial concepts of Nessa that someone called it starcursed, does anyone know where the name came from?
EDIT: Fen and I got to talking about who came up with the idea of naming “starcursed” the idea of adding stars to the VE hairstyles, does anyone remember? I just remember when I uploaded my initial concepts of Nessa that someone called it starcursed, does anyone know where the name came from?
I would also like to know.
I believe I first saw it used in one of the old High Elf threads. Back in the days where they had actual megathreads.
I believe it was in reference to the Starcursed Voidstrider.
As for who said it, I think it was a Hunter… I am bad with names.
Somand is often on their hunter. Might have been them then… I’ll try getting in contact to see if they remember if it was their name for it. lol