Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

A new void elf with natural skin color (hearthstone).
Legendary · Minion · Festival of Legends · Battlecry: Deal 4 damage to this minion. Overheal: Deal 5 damage to a random enemy.
I like her outfit.:purple_heart:


Hmm… I want that tabard.

More seriously, there any story with them? What we got?

Adding my 2c to the thread…

I - love - VE heritage armor set, but the void wings sometimes are kind of awkward. It would be great if we:

a) Had a new chestpiece option without them, and a cape option with the wings built in;

b) (best imo) The wing option would become a race-specific toy without a cooldown, and cherry on top could be a couple of extra different wing designs.

This would not only allow people to opt out of it, but also would allow them to use the wings with other items, especially other void-themed sets.


I was always partial to the option of making the wings customization.

That way we don’t sacrifice back slots.

Definitely want a covered or armored chest as well as a robe option though!


Right! Honestly they could throw a little bone to the first AR’s heritages, to bring them up on par with how much the latest ones are getting.

Nightborne could defnitely get a non-robes version of their sets… literally what every Suramar military NPC wears…


This would be so perfect for me, I want this guy to look like a void elf but the cold blue skin just clashes with too many transmogs for me to live with it, including the warm golds of their own heritage armour… having the hands and feet turning purple while the rest of him still looks skin toned would be great.

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There seems to be a lot of Void stuff coming in 10.1

It’s probably not going to have anything to do with Void Elves. But Void is still on the radar in terms of relevance.


The human hair styles on VEs


really? wheres this mentioned?

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No I’m saying those would look nice imo

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oh definitely

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wheres this mentioned?

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Without getting too spoilery, more Deathwing Lore/Experiments.


where you reading this? general direction, like twitter, reddit, discord, wowhead?

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Some players feel that the Void Elves’ storyline is disconnected from the main narrative of the game, and that their existence feels like a contrived addition to the game’s lore. Others argue that their inclusion is an example of Blizzard’s tendency to introduce new, “edgy” elements to the game without fully considering their impact on the larger story.

So they should look like some edgy emo self important archetype, but some “exotic” flavor for being elves.

Something like:

Are you a pirate ? (I actually wanted to ask that to some Void Elves)

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Yes. Along with potential new stuff for Drakthyr.

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lol!!! :sweat_smile:

smarty pants. which one? and is it 10.2 or 10.1?

Void Elf priest ?
Vegan Preaching of course

lol! this show is seriously ridiculous