Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

They could just share all hair styles from all races, like in ff14. Would probably spare them a bit of time since wow usually prefers the lazy route. More options for all.
It’s crazy to me how far behind this game is. No sliders, no color palettes, almost no customizations in general. I guess you can count yourself lucky in wow, if you get 5 new hair tones every few months, lol. :joy:
And some wow players are so used to all of the restrictions and limitations, that they get literally worked up about new customizations like pink hair for example. This community is something else. xD


I think they counted the blood elf copy and pasted options as their pass which isn’t fair since it’s not even void stuff :confused:

This would be amazing. I have so many repeated hair styles on my void elves. I’ll take anything at this point, lol.

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Have you seen the new orc and tauren priest NPCs that will be added in patch 10.0.7 ?

Now I’m sure it’s possible for Blizzard to add lore with NPCs to explain Void Elf Paladins.

If we also have a Void Paladin skin, that would be great ! :crossed_fingers:


I have a theory that they’re planning on portions of it to be the same between void and blood elves. Hairstyles, Hair Colors, Tattoos.

I may want some of that to be unique between the two but Blizzard has so far mostly gone the route of copying it over so I think its possible that they’re just waiting till they have the time to do a bigger overhaul of the Blood Elf and Void Elf customizations together.

Between the last update and now they’ve only done fairly minor things and even what they did give us was relatively low effort especially compared to the lore and theme of void elves.

That said the impact of those options was immense, for high elf folk, and I wouldn’t ignore it but I do wish for more void based customizations and lore.

I don’t really see it as “skipped” given we did get some really important options for players during the whole deal. But it is disheartening to not have gotten any particular void based options.

It would be an easy way to greatly improve character looks.

I think the way the game is coded at this point makes sliders, and color palletes difficult for them.

I have and I love it!

I hope that sort of lore building, small though it is, is added to Void Elves when they add new classes such as Paladin, Druid or Shaman.

I don’t think the DH lore will need much explaining… I’m betting that will come with a similar setup to the DK expansion.


This sort of addition and along with a class skin would go a long way to expanding lore and racial options for not just Void Elves but for many races.

Class skins have a lot of potential well beyond such trifles of paladins alone.


If class skins don’t work out, I hope they can find a way to make void elf paladins work with new lore. Like some kind of disc priest paladin that can wield both light and void. I think that’d be pretty cool.

If anyone played FF dissidia, I’m thinking of something like Cecil who switches between paladin and dark knight.

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Even if they count the copy&paste stuff they would still be way behind the other legion races. Honestly I think the whole race is pretty lackluster.
I don’t want to offend void elf fans, I have one myself, but they have almost no lore, no zone, some tents on a rock, that only they can visit is their home and customization options… just oof.

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I really really hope one day to see actual Void Elf buildings on those islands and expansion to the third one where we use the void storm as a source of void essence to make new void elves.

Void Elves that come out as Umbrician, Allerian or a mix of the two.

I want to see the fourth island used as a military staging area. Where our rift blades train and our void knights teach new squires. Our Ghostblades study intel and the shadows. Our Umbral Rangers practice to hone their skills.

I want to see the third island also have a tower for our magi and Umbric himself to continue refining our knowledge of the void.

The second Island should house our new recruits training areas and the quarters for the Void Elves.

The first island should remain our staging area for visitors and have some defenses. An inn here would be good too.

I also would love to see the fifth island turned into a void addled forest area where hunter pets can be found that are starcursed versions of many standard hunter pets.

We need more.


Well, you have more passion towards this race than the devs so far. That’s for sure.
I hope your wish will turn into reality, though. :smiley:

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Yeah, there’s some DH class skin options that’d be great.
Void elves would be an easy one, they just use void powers instead of Fel. Make some cool “voidwalker” versions of the meta transforms.

I’ve said the same about San’layn if they were playable. San’layn demon hunters using the dreadlord and stoneborn for the meta forms would be great.

Lightbound demon hunters make a lot of sense. That’s what they’d been doing for a millenia. So adapting light abilities to mimic the fighting styles of the elven demon hunters for the mobility and such wouldn’t be weird. Make some cool light charged forms for Meta, and you’re golden :smiley:

I also think Elune themed abilities would work well for a Warden setup as a class skin for demon hunters, then could even go Fel if you wanted a character like the fel warden we fought in Legion. Same Elune themed stuff for rogues/warriors would allow different flavors of a warden style character. Add more varieties of the armor too. (getting a set or two via achievement from the trading post)

Slap armor on a shadow priest and you’re good to go. Also makes a lot of sense to do so with how we’ve seen the light behave.


I’m not holding out much hope for void elf void customization. Though at the very least I’d like some new eye colors. Red (separate from dark ranger skin), solid black, and old god themed eyes (N’zoth in particular).

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Do I see Mag’har Hair on Green Orc? Is my dream coming true? No, can’t be. Impossible.

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Starcursed jewelry options would be so :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I don’t play void elf but would with more voidy options, won’t lie


Thank you. I hope so too.

Strictly speaking there is no need to do a skin for void elves for DH, that said I do like the idea of class skins overall for demon hunters.

From the simple of just letting you make a demon hunter that does use void or light or fire or what have you to the more out there of letting you make shadow hunter trolls… I can see a few interesting ways to go with all that.

I doubt there would be lore for all class skins as some would just be for player agency but I imagine neat stories could be made for that.

Whether its for class skins or not I do like the idea of new forms for demon hunters metamorphosis.

Could do a lot of cool things like you suggest or even just different looks for the half demon form itself more akin to just different looks of bear form.

Just all this. lol

I think new hairstyles, eye colors, hair colors, skin tones and jewelry are all very likely additions we’ll see in the future.

Tattoos/warpaint are also probably very likely.

Starcursed hair and two toned hair are especially popular concepts.

Things like third eyes, claws, and tentacle options are also popular.

You do indeed my friend. You do indeed. Very excited for my orc toons!

I imagine we’ll see some jewelry in the future.

Not my favorite but it seems like an easy thing to reach for.

Any in particular you’re especially interested in?

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Yeah, could stick with the fel, the legion does both.
I just like the idea of more options, so being able to do either one. More void representation. A single spec in the game isn’t enough =P

Yeah, I strongly feel druid forms should be a regular addition as often as questing sets or tier sets etc.

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^ so much this!

Anyone with friends at Blizz who can put in a good word or two for us? I really wish we had a timeframe for when we could see more void-based customization for our Void elves, the uncertainty is gnawing at my soul :sweat:

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I am legit considering they might want to fully go for it both ways and give Blood Elves void customizations. They basically made Void Elves for visual distinctiveness, and since that’s not even close to a priority now.

The lore reasons why BE are so averse to the void now are if not suspect, at least very reductive, it really feels like a throwback to the NE baning arcane. More so, there’s just such a huge thematic overlap between VE and Forsaken that Horde “Void Elves” could very well be Forsaken Dark Rangers rather than living elves.

Like, I have been thinking for a while that BE’s should be given VE hairstyles because they really match that Dark Ranger/Undead/San’layn fantasy, and that’s also true for the hair colors.

Of course just mostly wild speculation, but I do wonder how far they can take the idea of overlapping aesthetics and themes between factions.

(also part of me just wants this because it makes the possibility of eredar for both factions higher lmao)

While Class Skins are the biggest idea, I do wonder how much of this could be addressed through the Talent System. Imagine an early choice node where your Holy spells become Twilight, as well as adding a slightly different way to play the class, as many talents do.

So basically use the talent system to not simply just address aesthetics, but offer an interesting gameplay shake-up that does make a “Void” Paladin play somewhat different, but still within the parameters of the Paladin Class.


I’d really like to see them separate Void and High or do a better character building set up like the Subrace system suggested over on the EU forums and for the void counterpart for Blood Elves introduce a ton of San’layn options. Something different that makes sense as an addition. The single skin and linked eye color addition was pretty underwhelming when so much more could be done.

Hrm, if they were to do more of a subrace setup, a smaller talent system for Racial talents would be cool. Kinda like that one Zandalari have, but could have more options based on which subrace you picked.
This was something I remember suggesting being done if they had added a Darkfallen race made up of San’layn and Dark Rangers. Like a racial travel form having 2+ options depending on what you wanted your character to be…San’layn visually turned into a mist or cloud of bats where a dark ranger would turn into a banshee to go flying off.

I do like the idea of a void paladin playing a little different being cool, but that does add balance stuff where sole visuals don’t…I don’t mind so much, but others might.


Oh yeah, don’t get me wrong, while I think demon hunter would require nothing special for Void Elves, I still want a whole bunch of class skins for the void and other cosmic powers.

Void mages, hunters, warriors, holy priests death knights demon hunters the list goes on.

But also like… Fire based skins, Light based skins for other classes and specs like a Shadow Spec Light Skin for a dps holy priest setup.

Things can get wild with that system!

Old Gods so much this!

Like why not every patch just a few more colorations or options?

Would that be scintillating void energy jewelry?

I feel like thats less likely but I would welcome it.

I DO think that hairstyles and colors at the very least should just be copied over for both Velf and Belf toons.

I feel like the kicking the Void studying group out was justified in that the Blood Elves wouldn’t want to risk it again. And unlike your average shadow priest or warlock the void elves were going far deeper into it even prior to being changed as they were.

Plus they’re still traitors to Quel’Thalas now… so…

Valid I think.

I also wonder how far they will go with overlap in the end. They’re being much more loose with what they’re allowing these days and I think thats good overall.

Also I think that there can be a difference between what we’re given as player choices and what a race IS in lore.

Like… If they gave the options to the Blood Elves wholesale they don’t have to claim any void elves are actually there. It can just be for player choices.

Y’know for fun.

I’m betting they’d go with the glyph system rather than that one. Plus I bet it limits them right now to only two options at best.

I’d not be against the subrace system, but I don’t think they need to separate anything particularly at this point. They’ve already gone this far there isn’t a good enough reason to change them more than just adding customizations from Blizzards standpoint I think.

I do wish they’d add actual San’layn options to the Blood Elves. Could balance things out a bit I think.

Dark Rangers options are clearly only for dark rangers and don’t properly allow for San’layn.

GrandBrae suggested something along this line one time.

An actual full talent system for your race covering sub group.

Like for Dwarves it would have Bronzebeard, Wildhammer and Frostborn.

For Void Elves I suppose it would be Void Elf, High Elf and Dark Ranger.

I wouldn’t mind that at all, plus it could give those who for whatever reason want to see the nameplate change be “high elf” instead of void elf.


I’d just like to see everything separated out properly, the racial name tag could be tied to which voice set you picked. I wouldn’t even mind at this point if you picked your faction separate from the races, I’m so over the faction conflict stuff, I hope it never returns. Let people pick Quel’dorei elf, then they could pick which voice set they wanted san’layn/dark ranger/void/blood/high/fel etc and so on. I feel like they’re all deserving of their own recorded lines for that additional character flair. Great way to add additional nations to human choices too.
Then pick from whatever visual customizations are available to your choice, can be plenty of bleed over between the various types of elf depending on the type or just not even worry about it and let people make what they want.

The EU subrace concept had the racial talents done the same way, you picked those at one point, but they could do a talent tree set up instead or have the talent tree there at creation, and going back to barbershop would let you adjust it.

Things like high elves and san’layn are very deserving of having their own voice sets, same as wildhammer, and various nationalities of human, maybe even differing clans of orcs.

There’s a LOT that could be done.

I was even saying over in another thread that I really wouldn’t mind if lightforged and void became more of an overarching customization option available to all races along with the other cosmic powers, but this could also be something done via the class skin option.

Make a human from Gilneas, decide they are a paladin and follow the light, but then can choose to lightforge them which enables additional customization options.

Same could be done with the class skin setup, tying some additional customization options at the barbershop to characters devoted to a specific cosmic power regardless of class.

There’s a variety of ways things could be divided up for a subrace system.
Players need more options and the stuff that helps them make the character they want.

For like the Overarching options, maybe picking Death would enable the customization options for vampirism regardless of race chosen. Some may think that’d be weird for Forsaken, but we’d keep them as a normal race that could then be custmozized by any of these overarching options, but say you picked a human and death as your theme, maybe that would be the option that gave models like Nathanos and Derek Proudmoore.
Or fangs and such for a Quel’dorei elf to be a san’layn. But with something like that, they likely wouldn’t have the player race tag or a different voice set, it’d just be the voice set of whatever elf type you picked…Maybe a regular subrace setup and additional customizations tied to class skin cosmic power would be the better way to go. Just add some additional racial body types tot he Forsaken as their sub types. Skeletal and/or partial and such too.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we see some earthen customizations added in one of the future patches similar to how Dark Rangers were done…I wish it were more comprehensive/expansive though.