Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Where is the Reply button?

First, why don’t Void Elves have the same heritage armor as Blood Elves who disowned them for trying to find a substitute power source to save their people by entering inside the Void? Void Elf is a Blood Elf with the same culture and heritage.

Second, now that Void Elves are allies with the Alliance… when will we see cultivated marvels like in Silvermoon? Give the Void Elves Duskwood to transform into their own Silvermoon paradise? Or did the Alliance promise Duskwood to the Gilneans?

Third, if Void Elves are banished Blood Elves why don’t they say “Do Not Loiter!”???

Cause they’re not blood elves anymore.

We should build a home in the Telogrus Rift. Where we have ready access to our source of power.

Clearly they want you to loiter.


But just because Void Elves were banished doesn’t make them lose their heritage. Like saying I move from California to New York so I’m not Californian or have any California heritage anymore. Not how that works.

Any Alliance player knows there is a giant ancient portal in Duskwood which leads to many different places perhaps even the Void. I’m a Shadow Priest who uses Void magic but I don’t live in Telogrus Rift. Neither do the Void Elves. They were trapped there and driven insane by the voices in the Void.

Glory to the Ren-dorei!

The portal near the tree? That is an emerald dream portal and the tree there is one of the world trees.


Demons have come out of it not from the Emerald Dream.

That is more likely from the dark portal, which is not located in duskwood.

Also note the portal near the tree in quistion was gaurded by a currupted green dragon world boss, whom is not a demon.


Players had a quest to defeat raid level demons coming out of the portal in Duskwood.

You might have a different view if California exiled you.

Putting on different clothes that better fit their new viewpoints isn’t that odd.

Though I do wish we had a nice robe option like this…

The portal in Duskwood leads only to the emerald dream and has only had forces from the Emerald Dream or Emerald Nightmare come through. My druid uses it fairly often.

I’m not sure where you’re getting this information…

We weren’t driven insane and we do live there.

Can you grab that quest source? Never seen that to my knowledge but I could be forgetting some past event.

Could be Kruul. I think they had him appearing in many places at one time. I don’t remember him being in Duskwood but I doubt they’d have the demons coming from the portal as much as trying to corrupt it. Though that wouldn’t be an Alliance only quest.

Let me know if you find that source.


I missed replying to this.

I like that option for EE.

Bunch of EE glitches that would be wonderful EE options.


I would like the sha options and to be a void elf paladin with glyphs that make all my spells and attacks shadowy.

Also when they are added I’m hopeful we get like a void knight questline.


You live on a rock with no life the size of the castle of Stormwind? Yes Void Elves were driven insane by the voices in the Void. Guess you didn’t play Priest in Legion. Void Elves were rescued by Alleria Windrunner who mastered the Void in Argus. It was all in Legion!

Which you’ve obviously not played.


Void Elves pretty much have the best heritage set in game.

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Eh. I disagree. The blood elf one for example is way more dynamic because you have a robe and a non-robe option. pants aren’t my favorite and the belt is oversized as well. best for me would probably be dwarf.

Needs some build up but yeah. All void elves currently do.

Blizzard should update it a bit, add some buildings and show how we make more, perhaps some npcs that talk about how we operate and some of the pitfalls, like how dangerous the whispers can be over time. I’d also love for them to show how we police ourselves.

They were not, that’s kinda one of our things. That we don’t go insane with the void.

It was actually one of four order halls I completed after I returned to wow during the end of Legion, while I was unlocking void elves…

These two parts are true… More or less.

I’d imagine it’ll be rather subjective per person.

I feel like the void elf heritage is very fitting to their new culture and aesthetic, but I do think all heritage sets need options like robes, armored and less armored chest pieces and more color options.

The wings I think in velf heritages case should also become a barber option imo.

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that’s my big problem. void elves culture isn’t super big on warrior or hunter culture that’s why I’ll excuse other heritages sets lack of that…however, a big portion of void elves are supposed to be magisters, spell casters and researchers so the bra/shirtless chest piece that you need to cover with a tabard feels so out of place.

They just need to give that option to other heritage armors.

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I’d love to see a robe option added to the Void Elf heritage armor, and more so I’d like to see the void wings detached from the chest piece and made a barber shop option, or failing that, a cloak option.

In the meantime, here’s some alternative slots for the heritage chest (and sometimes pants) to help make it fit a wider array of class types:

Cloth Robed:

Leather Armor:

Mail Armor:

Plate Armor:


They definitely could use some options for a robe and a armored chest piece. Or at least a more covering one. I’d love to see some sort of chest plate (Perhaps based on Alleria’s armor.) that has a void gem in it like our belt has.

Be real nice for a hunter or rogue or warrior.

A nice robe like how Rama mocked up awhile back would be good too in my opinion. Still leaves some chest open but feels more magistery to me.

Heritage sets always should have been designed with the idea of filling the roles of that culture so everyone feels like its made for them.

I’m so happy I finally have that set. It fits so well.

Thanks for this.


Just need to be able to have the void wings with it!