Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

tbf Warhammer has been doing the shadow elves thing for a few years now.



That’s pretty cool, I’ve never seen that before!

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still a big fan of these hairstyles


I did some art of my void elf priest - who has become my favourite child - and we need claws and hoods with hair. I will die on this hill.



(If you like this picture please remember to drop a like to the Artists post (Tasha above).


Thankies Fen, and ooo spooky and sexy.

Love the claws.


Was way too tired to comment yesterday but wanted to make sure to use tl3 to make it easier to see.

That is an amazing drawing and I absolutely love the claws and those smokey tentacles!


boy she is creepy. great painting skills.


Tasha did a wonderful art there I agree.

In other news I’m still trying to compile my notes into the archives. Trying to track down a few missing artists. Hope to have a bit of the archive up this weekend.

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hey wheres that artwork where they took kul’tiran hairstyles, male and female, and put them on male and female velfs?

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I actually never got that one myself. (I saw it before I started to keep notes)

I did see it a few times. If you find it bring it by, I’d love to add it to the archive when I have em up.

coulda swore it was in this thread

Honestly entirely possible and I just missed it, lost it or didn’t add it for some reason to my notes.

If anyone brings it back up though I’ll grab it and add it in. Mockups I try to grab regardless of their use and function. Which reminds me… I need to go grab something else I saw the other day while I was at the zoo and couldn’t get… lol

Kul Tiran hairstyles are few, but extremely gorgeous. While I would ooze physical manifestations of joy to get my velf hands on the pinned-back-with-a-pearl cut, they are in desperate need of new customizations themselves first and foremost.

Also I keep meaning to do mockups of different colored tentacles, but the file has been sitting in front of me for days untouched.

It would be easy enough to just recolor them (on Blizzards end), but the special effect they have I could kind of do without. If not new colors, it would be nice to see an option to have that Starcursed effect, or dripping/oozing instead.

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You mean these right?


UGH yes the Kul Tiran hairstyles look SO good on Void Elves and would work PERFECTLY because they both share the same texture maps on their hairstyles. Give them KT hairstyles + tack on tentacles if they are too lazy to make new hairstyles from scratch and I wouldn’t even be entirely upset.

Also sidenote, I wish they would give us the OG High Elf eyes. The blue ones that had white scleras similar to the purple ones we got. I miss seeing them :cry: And they would look great in other colors like deep purple, black, white, etc. too


Oh! If it is these then I do have them! I just didn’t recognize it.

Did you do this mockup? (If so any thoughts on adding tentacles to show off a proper toggle.)

This entire comment needs more likes. I’m not a fan of eyes where the full eye is like highlights without a sclera…I want eyes like those purple ones and the OG High elf ones with scleras and also voidy ones like those from Silverleaf and Aceline made some good mockups of eyes with scleras as well.

And KT hairstyles? Absolutely, they’d look fantastic on Void Elves, just a few copy pasted from them and from Humans on us (I love the Human high ponytails) and a few new ones as well if possible, and we are more than set tbh.

PS: Male Void Elves could really use some great long hairstyles, like long curly hair, side-braided long hair etc.


I didn’t do these. I believe they were part of the package of Void Elf stuff made by the person who did the multi-eyes and partially corrupted skins and the obsidian skin tone.

EDIT: Here’s the original:


Yeah I’m pretty sure these were done by Silverleaf :smiley: