Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

The night her attackers came Natalie sent her spirit into the Void, its location known only to her. She penned a spell to retrieve it in one of her many journals. Unfortunately, the tome eventually fell into the hands of those who wanted her dead in the first place. Her body was buried at Raven Hill Cemetery in Duskwood, where members of the Cult of Forgotten Shadows stayed, forever hopeful her spirit would return.

she didn’t ress her self with the void, but she saved her soul so others could res her back. void is amazing


I still feel like the fact they didn’t make her use the Forsaken model was weird considering her soul was in the Void, but her body was in the real world and she’s effectively the Forsaken’s religious head.


maybe the ritual restored her body to resurrect her. she was resurrected rather than raised as undead.

Oooo I had never heard of this character before (haven’t played priests though so shrugs)

I would like to take a moment to talk about: Armor!

Void Elves need more Void-themed armor of varying colors in the game! I’m not talking singular colors like purple, blue and black, but combinations of blue and light pink, or purple and white! Like an elegant robe that will have a mix of these colors on it.

For the record, check this velvety violet dress by Katerina Lindina:

I think we should also put together a list of in-game amazing looking dark colored armor. Such as the Antorus purple priest set, and the Venthyr armor tints (red, silver, grey and black)! Also the purple Kyrian armor tint xx


I have it on my Druid and no one else to put it on for :rofl:.

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Nothing wrong with considerations for more heritage armor. Kinda wish Blizzard would do a few options for most of the races heritage as well as other tints.

Not everyone likes the bare chested setup we ended up with and I think it would be nice to have an alternate option with a robe and another for a more armored chest piece for those of us playing our Riftblades.

I suppose while I’m here I’ll show off the work by Lyrsaseth, Ramavatarama, Faebelina and Somand in this same regard…

By Somand, An alternate coloration, with some modifications of the Legion hunter set in heritage colors.

By Faebelina, One of the two robe options in the main post at this time.

By Ramavatarama, Another Robe option and one of my favorite formats for it.

By Lyraseth, Wonderful alternative colorations for our current Heritage armor.


This piece always has me wanting eye shape options for all races. I hate how wide they all became from the WoD update


More eye options I’ve seen going around for multiple races… I should toss that somewhere in the print of my main post now I think on it.


Speaking as a long time dwarf fan, while I love the face animations and the updates…

Every now and then I fire up Classic and admire the old variety from the days where all of a race’s faces didn’t share a map.

What made me think of it is that the rather Asian looking dwarf face is gone on retail.

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As much as I dislike Classic’s graphics overall, I think all the races just LOOKED much better/more appealing. Idk.

Night Elf and Blood Elf old faces/models looked better than the current ones do IMO


dunno why you can barely see her nose on the forums, but i think its how many unique features they had.

maybe the eyes


Dont mind me. Just here to support my fellow void elves and sending my love.

I want my hairbun hairstyle Blizzard!


The old eyes were more defined. They sort of abandoned having an iris for most of the retail faces, and it sucks.

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Old face vs new face, it seems like they just took our faces and stretched them really long for the visual update, lol. I do prefer the older faces.


Oh yeah definitely. Actually, I was referring to dark-themed armor in general and not heritage armor :smiley: - but armor that’d be void-themed and available to all races to obtain would be even more wicked! ;D

Hoping for the heritage armor for NEs to become available soon, hopefully with more NE updates to the models. Especially for the males.

Would be nice if they gave Nelves their heritage armor with a scenario of the Nelves getting to plant the seed of their new home. Restore their home like they did with UC.


A thought came to me, maybe a dark pink skin type similar to the purple one the right.

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Yeah I would love that and you know I’m thinking that maybe we really will get at the very least a cinematic for the new home and maybe even a new Night elf capital sometime in 10.0 :scream:


Uhm, yes please! I’d love the ‘‘Ship Shape’’ bun from Kul’Tirans! Void elves got no buns (hairbuns that is)! D: