Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Another thought, if a city or not be made in telogras, it would be cool if they developed a mage laboratory to practice or experiment with void magic as their capital building.

Give it a sciencey feel to the place.

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I would sell an organ if it meant my void elves could have claws/fangs.


I find this whole exchange so odd, and a bit sus w their takes on Shaw / Flynn. I feel like you can’t be super aggressive / have other sus takes then do a “well I’m a HE fan and you claim you let HE fans in so I want in” angle.

If it was someone like Nico my vote would probably be yes though.

This wasn’t a reply to me but sometimes we agree and sometimes we disagree.


You keep bringing up shaw and flynn and that’s annoying. I can feel however I want towards anything. I don’t make it a thing, or a point in my identity. Unlike you who non stop talk about the issue. You’re the sus one.

Well as an LGBTQ+ person being gay is a part of my identity.

You’re asking about joining a discord that takes the comfort level of their LGBTQ+ members seriously so I was simply making a point.

You can and things you’ve said other people can also feel however they want about that.

Have a good day, I refuse to speak on this further I just wanted to comment on that one comment since it was already brought up.


I haven’t attacked any lgbtq members, ever. I always just get roped into their discussions though. Even now, when I never brought up anything lgbtq related, you just had to go and force the topic.

I think they are literally telling you the answer is no in a most polite way they can imply without saying the word “no”

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Can we go back to the void customization topic. You guys are getting awkward here bringing up a subject that has 0 to do with the thread.

Let’s keep the politics out please.



This. Cadazamir’s admittance is not a topic for void elves.

He asked, it’s being voted on, let’s move back to the void.


LGBTQ+ people existing isn’t politics so w that said I hope the next LGBTQ+ storyline like Shaw / Flynn is horde side but I wouldn’t be upset at an additional one being w Void characters


I have nothing against lgbtq. Stop saying I do. I literally never say anything to any of you about it unless you guys @ me with ludicrous accusations.

Lann was referring to Greatbrae talking about “politics”.


It’s sex/gender politics.

It does not belong here either way.

My gender is not politics. This view is not a good look.


Don’t care, it don’t belong here.

LGBTQ+ stories w some Void Elf characters would also be nice


I am completely in agreement. They may not like the fact that it’s considered politics, but the purest definition of politics dictates that it is.

So fen, do you have any new ideas about customizations you want to share?

My gender is not a political issue, I’ll talk about it where I please, and you can’t stop me.

I’m here. I’m queer. I kill bosses and loot gear. :transgender_flag: :rainbow_flag:


Then you lack respect.

There is place and time to do that, and this isn’t it cheif.