Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Lol, I forgot to hit enter on this post a little while ago so I rewrote it just now but yes to this, big yes actually, it totally needs to happen.

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I’m hopeful for some full tentacle void hair options.


Mm instead of Ranger I’d prefer Stalker… so Riftstalker or Voidstalker.


They also have Umbral Rangers as units as well, so I think we have that latitude for the Riftstalker with the pet and the Umbral Ranger as their shadowy archer type


So maybe like a mail based class with a ranged spec, mixing spells and ranged weapons for DPS, shadow/Void based healing and a tanking spec?

This would be pretty great, maybe along with a Battlemage class?

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Either a Kerrigan or thicker tentacles like Aszhara would look great


Generally I’ve kept my hopes for the mail class to be an Artificer/Tinkerer or Bard.

But the next plate class I’m wanting a caster in plate that embraces the void.


I feel asking for new classes is like a whole different conversation tbh (But yes, we need a mail tank, Tinker FTW)


Agreed. Just in my posts above I’ve talked about a Void based class. The Void offers so many neat abilities ranging from spellcasting, summoning, body transformation, mind control, and more.

Plate caster with ranged dps spec, tank spec, and healer.

The idea of a plate void user that uses etched void rituals on their armor to grow their appendages into void/sha like weapons and exaggerated lengths. As well as sprouting tendrils to gain defense and attacks. Hardening the skin and reinforcing the armor with void energy as well as dulling the pain. I think sprouting extra eyes or void eyes floating around the tank to see incoming attacks and reduce their effectiveness.


Dunno, some people might think they are…

Cyberstalkers… or lore stalkers… or stiff stalkers…

Ok I will stop now lol.

Just wanted to circle back and say I’d probably use this hair color if it were available on this toon.

It’s my only one meant to be rp’d as a high elf and I really like this color being “off” the way it is.


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I’ve gone ahead an updated the thread a bit. Still working on a section about possible racial changes… nothing major. Just interesting ideas I’ve seen.

Pictures might not be loading again… will need to fiddle.


Seeing more Sha like customization options for Void Elves would be a great additon. Like the void itself is neat, but we’ve seen many different versions of void creatures and powers.

Sha option for Entropic Embrace would be cool, maybe Sha hair options. Hopefully when Void Elves get a bigger customization pass they add in options for tentacles/tendrils made of void energies, void/black empire tattoos, Sha skin appearances, more eye options that lean more in the dark depths void of space look.

So many cool things could be added. And I’m still on board for void druids and void/rift knights as a paladin just void themed.


hair of many colors for velfs


That is gorgeous I hope that’s one of the new options they get! I feel like it would look cool on a male model too with a short hair style with facial hair or just like bald with rainbow facial hair


Thanks :hugs: I think it would look awesome on them as well.


Omg I love it!

Also is that a scar I see?

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I wouldn’t mind that. Sha stuff would be a fun option for Void Elves to fiddle with.

I might even make a new character for that alone.

Looks New and Different and it looks blonde so yea. 100% Yes for this.


My attempt at the tentacle hair request.