Look dude, as MANY on these forums know, I’m a try hard High Elf stan. Because I prefer Alliance and want to be a hot Elf, with the same vibe of Elder Scrolls/LotR/DnD, lol.
But ONE thing I CAN’T stand, is when people go into a customization thread and just toxicly attack or bully the people wanting said customizations. It’s mean and uncalled for. I’ve been so upset and hurt by their comments that 9/10 times I end up looking like a jerk, because it gets to me so much. So I think what you’re doing in this thread is mostly rude and uncalled for.
As for the point that I QUOTED, the High Elf race we both wanted will NEVER truly be.
We got VOID Elves, that is what we will always see on quest text for ourselves.
The High Elf Race we wanted was given to both the Horde and the Alliance. With the Blue eyes they are associated with being given to both. Furthering the idea that we will ONLY get Void Elves (unless half elves come down the line).
When they gave us the High Elf Skin Tones and Hair colors, it was largely due to Alleria looking like a High Elf with Entropic Embrace.
But it was also due to fan requests, and that before 9.0 they openly said they wanted players to get to RP as say a Sand Troll, even though they’re playing a Darkspear technically.
We already know that ANY new hairs that have Void tentacles or effects would most likely have a toggle effect. For those who wish to not have it.
The best we could hope for is an option in the future to hide the appearance of Entropic Embrace, for the full immersive effect. Along with some nice Elf hair that isn’t emo esque or widows peaky for the men.
Personally, I think Shadow tattoos or Void dripped fingers like NB have essentially along with some of the other ideas here would look cool with the normal skin tones.
Sidebar #1: IF we ever got Paladins it would likely be so High Elf fans could RP as one and be a Paladin. But I guarantee you that no Void Elf NPCs would be VE looking. They might even make it to where you can’t look like a VE in skin color to be one, but I don’t know about that last bit. Making it a non-canon fan service option.
Sidebar #2: Technically Light and Void can work, we see it with Undead. We just know that a being infused with massive amounts of Light or Void, are in pain when they touch. But to be fair, Forsaken also experience the pain when using the light.
Sidebar #3: Do VEs actually Bleed purple?