Sorry about that. I really hate these new forums.
Every PuG I have been in since BfA has continued to use Discord. I’m not sure why exactly, but I have a few thoughts from me personally.
I’m not going to talk to people in WoW that I wouldn’t already talk to in Discord. That means my friends, the occasional PuG, raid teams and guilds. I’m not going to talk to people in my random BG or my +2 dungeon. I wouldn’t even talk to PuGs in my +10. Even the occasional PuG that I have to join a new discord for I will always stay muted. That’s the biggest reason for me not to use it.
I don’t use the game voice chat because it’s always a risk when you learn a new system that there will be issues. Did I set my PTT correctly? Will there ever be an issue where suddenly I have an open mic? I’ve almost had a heart attack the few times these have been issues in discord, but now they have worked the kinks out and I am more savvy when it comes to discord. I don’t feel like learning all over again.
There’s probably more, but those are the big highlights from me personally as a fairly shy person.
my feelings exactly, in addition to what Atroxx said, I dont want to open up my voice chat for people who have their mics set to autokey so I get to hear all their background noise all the time.
Just being lazy, and quoting you as that is the truth.
I think some players just don’t want to use voice chat with complete strangers, because it might lead to negative stuff that they don’t want to deal with, such as toxicity or harassment.
I appreciate the idea of convenient voice chat for PUGs, but the one time I turned it on I lost all audio from the game. I had to reboot my computer to get it back. Needless to say I haven’t tried since.
I won’t use it because my guild uses discord for raids and social time. Also, the voice chat thing seems to cause some disconnect and frame loss in certain areas, like using portals, doing garrison stuff, etc. Talking to randoms is just dumb. I rock out to music or streaming videos more than use game sound after launch and quests are done.
It’s a ‘new’ feature that existed before that no one asked for. Just like so many other bad ideas in BfA.
I will never voluntarily sign up for letting a stranger abuse me on comms. I use comms with my friends, and if I had a regular pug group that got to know one another in mythics (so…no longer a pug), I would get on comms with them.
I’ve never used the native voice function. Everyone has discord or vent or ts, so there’s never been a reason to use it.
After using Discord who would want to use an ingame voice chat? All the features Discord offers vs in game VC designed by Blizzard devs that usually change something huge every few years isnt very fond to look forward to.
Is it nice to offer it though but would prob sound like PS4 online games with players talking/screaming about anything and everything you dont care or want to hear. No thanks!