Vizier and Weaver level 4 quests not being offered

I was finally able to pact with The Vizier after a workaround a bit ago, but I am unable to pick up his level 4 quest despite going to the version of him that stands in the Royal Apothecary as the perk states. The perk UI for him also amusingly has the level 5 perk grayed out even though I am two-thirds through level 5.

EDIT: This now seems resolved for the Vizier at least.

EDIT 2: Nope, I lied, Vizier rank 7 has two quests and rank 4 still can’t be done.

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This is still busted as of today’s reset. Vizier’s perks window also still doesn’t even think I’m rank 5 even though I’m going to ding 6 in a few minutes.

I now have Vizier at rank 7 and Weaver at rank 6 but neither have offered their rank 4 quests. Vizier’s rank 7 quest also wasn’t available when I tried to check on that.

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Edit: got it. Relogged and it was there.

Didn’t get to see your original post. Were you asking about the rank 4 or rank 7 quests?

The rank 4 quests still haven’t been offered for me.

I was able to do both Weaver’s quests (I have her maxed now). I just got Vizier and General to 4, and was offered General’s quest but nothing for Vizier. Relogging hasn’t changed anything but it’s possible that a daily reset will have it offered.

Good luck. Daily and weekly resets have done nothing for this bug for me.

I was able to get the rank 4 quest. It wasn’t marked on my map anywhere or even notable at all, I just relogged and went back to the royal apothecary and clicked on vizier and he had a quest. It was fairly short.

What was the quest name?

I think it was this one? For all I know it was just a quest I hadn’t done before, it wasn’t noted either way if it was a pact quest or not.

Hmmm, yeah, that one was a precursor for the rank 7 one. Thanks for checking. I did also look over the Wowhead data for that occurrence of Executor Niv’ek at the Royal Apothecary and I’ve done all his quests, so either the rank 4 quest got rolled into the rank 7 chain accidentally or it still isn’t working.

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Bump. Having the same problem.

10/8/24 still no Weaver or Vizier quests. I have done all of the General’s. I am at 8/9 and 7/9 on the Weaver and Vizier.