Also, the effect of the Disintegrate beam is a fair bit larger than its graphic.
I say this in so much that was solo'ing and the final time in which it actually worked, ran into Portal Rift at almost same time as Viz'aduum which also happened to land me on left side of ship where in previous times that I noticed always seemed to land on right side and then despawn.
Doesn't seem like this should work, but it seems to work better than how the encounter was designed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It is still an issue. I get ported to the 2nd ship only to have the fight reset. I’m soloing it on just regular mythic. I’m guessing it’s designed for more than one person or is my pet resetting it?
I managed to clear it on the sixth try, damage wasn’t a factor and I faced both my charter and camera away before entering the portal. When I was getting closs to landing I targeted some of the adds on the platform. I also equipped my artifact weapon just in case so It could be one of these two with is a factor. I hope this can help someone find a more permanent method to this madness.
It would be nice if blizzard just fixed this. I spent a good hour trying to kill this boss and blizzard can’t even spend a few minutes to implement a quick fix for a broken boss in there game.
Still with problem… BUUUUUUUUG
Same issue still happening. I’m soloing him, and as soon as I get to the 2nd ship, the event resets and I’m back that the entrance of the boss fight.
It took me about 7 times, but what worked for me was jumping into the 2nd portal before Viz’aduum got there. I landed on the third ship before him, and everything was okay.
As as side note to staff: [edit to take the bitterness out] : I loved the Alice in Wonderland type drop, that was awesome! I think boss fights that have lots of parts to them have a tendency to be buggy. In this fight for example, is it really necessary to fly from ship to ship? It’s fun! But buggy!
<what worked for me was jumping into the 2nd portal before Viz’aduum got there. I landed on the third ship before him, and everything was okay.>
This worked for me after trying a dozen other tips on the forums. Thanks!
@ Blizzard: I’ve returned to WoW after a 4-year hiatus (after playing continuously since April 2005).
I’m astonished that an encounter-breaking bug like this has not been fixed after months of complaints. That is not the Blizzard I remember. Do you guys care anymore? Hopefully you’re all too busy working on WoW Classic…
If you are soloing on mythic, simply auto attack, turn off pet while doing it. Take the boss slowly through all phases. On the last portal, wait until you see him land on the last ship, then go through. You will land on the ship and have no issues. Clear the trash he spawns and he comes to you. Then full DPS him down.
Why is this still a thing in 2022 bliz…and toe knee in the same instance. Come on.
got the boss to 0 on last platform and it teleported us to the door dead and reset…then did it again 2 more times.