Vitality [A] Recruiting for PvE (Raids T/TH 7:30-10:30)

Vitality - Moon Guard [A]
Who we are: a close knit group of friends looking to recruit friendly and motivated people to fill out our roster for season 2. We have been AOTC all seasons of Dragonflight and S1 TWW, and now are 4/8M. Several in the guild are serious M+ pushers, and we would love to do more of them as a guild.

Raid times: T/Th 7:30-10:30 CST/Server time

We are happy to help new and inexperienced raiders, but in order to stay on the raiding roster we need you to strive to improve, be receptive to feedback, and do your homework (do basic reading of class guides on wowhead, practice rotations, do activities to fill vault and upgrade your gear, etc.)

Being from Moon Guard we also do have RPers in our ranks, but our focus is mainly PvE. We do have a discord that is required if you want to raid, and it is the best way to ping members for group activities. While we are all adults and have a sense of humor, we do not have any spicy channels in our discord and prefer that be kept out of our gaming experience. We want you to do you, but our core group is largely married or partnered adults (a few have kids) and aren’t looking to foster a thirst trap environment.

The spirit of Vitality is kindness and consideration. Harassment, discrimination, and toxic behavior are not acceptable. We are inclusive, LGBTQ+ friendly and strive to create a safe and welcoming guild for our members. Be respectful of each other’s boundaries. We value working as a cohesive guild where members both help and gracefully receive help from each other, be it with questing, sharing resources or help with game play. Guild leaders and officers are expected to lead by example, by helping and guiding others while fostering a positive environment.
Vitality guild rules:
• We expect members to not be sexist and respect gender identity and pronouns.
• We expect members to not use slurs in any setting.
• We expect members to respect and accept (even if you disagree) if someone asks you to drop a topic or not to say a word or phrase.
• We expect that if you are approached about your behavior you aren’t going to be combative about changing it.
• We expect that if you hurt someone’s feelings you apologize in good faith. If you are the one with feelings hurt, you accept a good faith apology.

I am one of those people with a small human, so I can be reached best through discord at or this post, or any of our other officers
Our Co-GMs are Thraell (Faeheim on discord) and Justson/Dãlinar (Dalinarbridge4 on discord)
Our Raid Leader is Detritus (rk on discord)

Thank you for sticking this post out and hope you have a great day!

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